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On the Different Versions and Spreading of Biographies of Exemplary Women

作  者: (靳力);

机构地区: 山东师范大学,山东济南250014

出  处: 《山东女子学院学报》 2017年第5期69-74,共6页

摘  要: 宋元明清时期,《列女传》的刻印呈现出官、私两旺的盛况。从刻印的主体来看,有官府和私人两种类型;从刻印的内容与形式来说,有插图本、纯文字本与增删本等;从刻印的国别划分,有中国、韩国、日本等国的刊本;从流布的形式而言,有刊印《列女传》的单行本与被类书、旧注称引者;另外,还有对《列女传》补注、校注、集注等研究著述的刊行。而就传播来看,多样化的传播路径,广袤的传播范围,多重性的传播效果,极大地增强了《列女传》的传播力,使之不仅畅行全国,而且还远播域外。《列女传》的刊印与传播互为依托与因果,两者之间的良性互动效果明显,对当时民众的社会生活产生了重大而切实的影响。 From Song to Qing Dynasty,both official and private versions of Biographies of Exemplary Women were prosperous. From the subject of engraving,there are government and private sponsors; and from the content and illustrations,there are illustrated books,plain text and added or deleted books,and so on; from the countries that produce such books,we have China,South Korea,Japan and some other countries; and from the existing forms,there are printed booklet,collections and excerpts; in addition,some research works of Biographies of Exemplary Women are published,such as annotations and variorum editions,etc. The diverse spreading paths,the vast scope it reached and the multiple effects all enhanced its publicity,making it not only popular in China,but well-known abroad. The publishing and spreading of Biographies of Exemplary Women obviously benefit each other as mutual cause and effect,which significantly influenced people's life at that time.

关 键 词: 列女传 版本 刻印 传播 图书 出版业


作者 杨丽珊
作者 张淑琼
作者 左康华
作者 史常力
作者 徐玮


机构 华南农业大学图书馆
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东海洋大学图书馆
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学资讯管理学院信息管理系


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚