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Analysis for Transmission Characteristics of Magnetic Coupling Governor Based on Test

作  者: (程刚); (郭永存); (曹亚南); (王爽);

机构地区: 安徽理工大学机械工程学院,淮南232001 中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所,合肥230031

出  处: 《科学技术与工程》 2017年第24期55-60,共6页

摘  要: 以45 k W双盘异步式永磁涡流传动调速器为研究对象,建立了永磁涡流传动调速器机械能与磁能之间的能量平衡方程。结合虚拟仪器技术,设计并搭建了磁力耦合调速器性能测试综合试验平台,着重对永磁涡流传动调速器的调速特性、机械特性和温度特性进行了试验测试与研究分析。结果表明,永磁涡流传动调速器在拖动电机转速一定条件下,恒负载情况时,负载输出转速与气隙距离之间近似呈二次函数关系;且在不同的负载条件下,永磁涡流传动调速器有不同气隙距离下的调速特性;气隙距离恒定时,负载大小与负载输出转速近似呈线性关系,机械特性偏"软";永磁涡流传动的拖动电机输出转速、负载和气隙距离恒运行情况下,永磁盘、散热片及中部连接轴承温度最终处在很小的范围内波动,呈现稳定状态。试验与分析结果可对进一步研究磁力耦合调速器的工况使用及优化设计提供指导与参考依据。 45 k W double disc type asynchronous permanent magnet eddy current coupling was used as the research object,the energy balance equation between permanent magnet eddy current coupling mechanical energy and magnetic energy was established combined with the virtual instrument technology. A comprehensive test platform was designed and built for permanent magnet eddy current coupling,focus on the permanent magnet eddy current coupling mechanical governor characteristics and temperature characteristics of test and analysis. The results show that permanent magnet eddy current coupling in certain conditions: at constant load condition,the load between the output speed and the gap distance is approximately quadratic function relation,and under different loading conditions,permanent magnet eddy current coupling's characteristics under different air gap distance in air gap; the distance is constant,the load value and the output speed is linear,its mechanical characteristics is "soft"; the output drive motor speed,permanent magnet eddy current transmission load and gap distance constant operation,permanent disk,heat sinks and connecting the bearing temperature at last in a small range fluctuations,and steady. The research results can provide reference basis for the use of further research and optimization design of the permanent magnet eddy current coupling.

关 键 词: 永磁 涡流 传动 调速器 试验




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