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Reaction and resistant gene loci detection of 28 Chinese cabbage cultivars to different Plasmodiophora brassicae strains

作  者: (曾令益); (任莉); (刘凡); (陈旺); (陈坤荣); (徐理); (方小平);

机构地区: 中国农业科学院油料作物研究所/农业部油料作物生物学与遗传育种重点实验室,湖北武汉430062

出  处: 《中国油料作物学报》 2017年第4期532-539,共8页

摘  要: 为了解白菜品种抗性特征和抗病基因类型之间的关系,以我国油菜主产区存在的2、4和13号小种,以及来自湖北恩施、四川德阳、河北唐山、河南南阳4个地点的未知小种为病原,采用温室人工接种方法,鉴定了28个大白菜品种对8个不同根肿菌菌株抗病性,同时利用已知的7个抗根肿病基因(Crr1、Crr2、Crr3、CRa、CRb、CRc、CRk)分子标记检测不同品种所含的抗病基因位点。研究结果表明:供试的28个大白菜品种,27个品种对不同菌株表现出一定的抗病性,品种根王F1对所有菌株表现感病。CR春福等10个品种对所有菌株表现抗性;CR-凉春等12个品种只对一个菌株感病,其中9个品种只对恩施菌株感病。分子标记检测结果显示,感病品种根王F1中未检测到抗病基因位点,其余27个大白菜品种共检测到Crr2、Crr3、CRa、CRb、CRk五个抗病位点,CRk在抗病品种中普遍存在,但Crr3仅在CR春福中检测到杂合抗病位点。总体而言,抗病位点较多的品种对不同地方菌株抗性强,少数品种存在例外,包括含有多个位点仍表现感病(含有4个抗病位点的CR-黄心F1对4号、2号、13号生理小种表现感病)和仅含有1个位点但表现抗病(德高CR117和荣耀只检测到CRk抗病位点但对所有菌株都表现出抗性)两类情形。说明大白菜对根肿病抗性及植物病原互作的复杂性,有待深入研究。 To better understand cabbage resisitance and gene loci on clubroot disease,clubroot resistance(CR) of 28 Chinese cabbage(Brassica rapa L.) were evaluated in green house. The clubroot pathgen(Plasmodiophora brassicae) samples were collected from 8 different locations,including the main races in the major production areas of rapeseed(race 2,4 and 13) and strains from Enshi,Deyang,Tangshan and Nanyang. CR loci(Crr1,Crr2,Crr3,CRa,CRb,CRc and CRk) were detected using 7 reported CR markers. Results indicated that27 cultivars showed resistance to some strains,while Genwang F1 was susceptible to all strains. The best 10 cultivars(including CR Chunfu) showed resistance to all strains. 12 cultivars were susceptibile to only 1 strain,9 of which was susceptible to the strain from Enshi. CRk were detected commonly in resistant cultivars. Crr3 hybrid resistant locus was detected only in CR Chunfu. No CR loci were found in susceptible cultivar Genwang F1. In general,cultivars with more CR loci resisted to more strains. The exception was that one cultivar had 4 loci,but was susceptible to most of the strains(e. g. 4 CR loci in CR-huangxin F1 were susceptible to race 2,4 and 13).And,the other exceptional cultivar had 1 locus but resisted to all strains(e. g. only one locus CRk was detected in Degao CR117 and Rongyao which showed resistance to all strains). It suggested the complexity of cabbage resistance to clubroot.

关 键 词: 大白菜 芸薹根肿菌 根肿病 抗病基因 生理小种




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