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Climatic characteristics of rainy days with different ranks in Handan region

作  者: (杜亮亮); (朱卫浩); (田秀霞); (王式功);

机构地区: 邯郸市气象局,河北邯郸056001 巴州气象局,新疆库尔勒841001

出  处: 《气象与环境学报》 2017年第4期102-107,共6页

摘  要: 全球气候变暖导致极端降水事件频发,给农作物生长、生态环境和社会经济等发展造成严重的影响。本文利用1974—2015年5—9月邯郸地区16个气象观测站逐日降水资料,分析了邯郸地区不同等级降水日数的变化,并探讨了不同等级降水日数与相应降水量的关系。结果表明:1974—2015年5—9月邯郸地区各等级降水日数存在一定的区域差异,西部山区小到中雨多、大到暴雨少,东部平原则正好相反。随着降水等级增大,对应的降雨日数迅速减少;邯郸地区总雨日数、小雨日数及暴雨日数均呈明显减少的趋势,中雨日数和大雨日数均呈明显增加的趋势,峰峰矿区为邯郸地区各等级降水日数变化趋势最显著的区域。进入21世纪后,邯郸地区中雨日数呈明显波动增加趋势,各等级降水日数与相应降水量的时间变化特征较一致;总雨日数的贡献率主要来源于小雨日数、中雨日数及大雨的日数,尤其是小雨日数的贡献较大;总降水量的贡献率主要来源于暴雨降水量。近42 a邯郸地区总降水量与不同等级降水量的相关性随降水等级的增大而迅速增高,相关性最高(最差)的为总降水量与暴雨(小雨)降水量。 The high frequency of extreme precipitation events resulted from global warming strongly influences the crop growth and the development of economy and society. Using the daily precipitation data from 16 stations in Handan region from May to September during 1974-2015,the climatic characteristics of the rainy days with differ-ent ranks were analyzed,and the relationships between the number of rainy days with different ranks and the corre-sponding amount of precipitation were discussed as well. The results show that there is a spatial difference in the rainy days with different ranks. In the western mountainous regions,the number of light to moderate rainy days are higher,and the number of heavy to storm rainy days are less,whereas the situations in the eastern plain are oppo-site. With the increase of precipitation ranks,the number of rainy days reduces rapidly. In Handan,the numbers of total,light,and storm rainy days show an obvious decreasing trend,while those of moderate and heavy rainy days show an obvious increasing trend, especially in Fengfeng mining area. Since entering into the 21st century, the number of moderate rainy days has increased significantly. The variation characteristics between the number of rainy days with different ranks and the corresponding precipitation time are consistent. The number of total rainy days is mainly due to the contributions of the light, moderate and heavy rainy days, especially due to the light ones. The total amount of precipitation chiefly comes from the storm ones. During the recent 42 years,with the in-crease of precipitation ranks,the correlations between the total amount of precipitation and the amount of precipita-tion at different ranks rapidly increase. The correlation of the amount of total precipitation with that of the storm is the highest,and with that of light precipitation is the lowest.

关 键 词: 降水日数 降水量 气候特征 相关性




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