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Experimental research on the snowfall enhancement through orographic clouds at Xiling Snow Mountain

作  者: (祁红彦); (申辉); (韦巍); (刘志);

机构地区: 成都市气象局,四川成都610071

出  处: 《气象与环境学报》 2017年第4期93-101,共9页

摘  要: 为了开发西岭雪山地形云形成的空中云水资源,本文基于地基碘化银发生器工作原理,在西岭雪山山区布设合理的作业点进行远程遥控催化人工增雪作业,并利用PARSIVEL激光雨滴谱仪和自动气象站加密观测资料分析典型降水天气过程中人工增雪作业前后的雪晶谱与气象数据。结果表明:西岭雪山人工增雪作业时的地面风向风速对碘化银凝结核的入云效率和作业目标区具有较大的影响,降雪量最大可增加22%;可利用多普勒雷达速度场零速度线的变化和正负速度中心的分布确定人工增雪作业区域,并结合边界层风廓线雷达垂直气流分布判断最佳人工增雪作业时机;人工增雪催化作业后,雪晶浓度明显增大,浓度变化趋势与降雪量一致,但不同直径雪晶的浓度增加幅度不同,直径小于1.5 mm的雪晶浓度增长较快。 Based on the ground-based Agl generator theory,a snowfall enhancement experiment was remotely con-trolled and catalyzed at the site scientifically selected at Xiling Snow Mountain in order to exploit the orographic cloud water resource in the air. During the typical precipitation processes,the snow crystal spectrum and meteoro-logical data collected before and after the snowfall enhancement experiment were analyzed using the PARSIVEL Laser raindrop spectrometer and the intensive observations from the automatic weather stations. The results show that the surface wind has a great influence on the cloud-formation efficiency from silver iodide nuclei and on the operational target area when the snowfall enhancement is operated. The maximum amount of snowfall increases by 22%. The operational site is determined by the change status of zero velocity lines and by the center distribution of positive and negative velocities in the Doppler weather radar field. The optimal operating time is judged by the ver-tical airflow distribution of wind profile radar at the boundary layer. The concentration of snow crystal is signifi-cantly larger after the operation,and its changing trend is consistent with that of the amount of snowfall. The con-centration increasing extent of snow crystal at different diameters is different,among which that with the diameter less than 1. 5 mm is the fastest.

关 键 词: 西岭雪山 地形云 地基碘化银发生器 激光雨滴谱仪 人工增雪


作者 吴遵杰
作者 谭庆


机构 广东科学技术职业学院
机构 深圳大学经济学院


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