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A Study on Composition of Set Movements in Male Floor Exercise during Rio Olympics Period

作  者: (邱腾飞);

机构地区: 华侨大学体育学院,福建泉州362021 华侨大学体育与健康科学研究中心,福建泉州362021

出  处: 《体育科学研究》 2017年第4期33-38,共6页

摘  要: 文章通过文献资料、录像分析和专家访谈等方法,基于里约奥运周期第44—46届体操世锦赛和里约奥运会单项决赛,分析了自由体操动作选择、编排特征及其发展趋势。研究表明:2013版评分规则下"快速空翻+托马斯"等以滚翻结束的连接形式成为历史,单个"托马斯"在编排中被广泛使用;为了满足动作组别要求,以"日本倒立"为主的非技巧类动作编排缺乏创新;后空翻类动作不仅参与连接编排,作为主干难度单独使用,极大地提升了成套动作的难度价值。 This study analyzes the selection,features and development trends of male floor exercises set movements through lit-erature & video analysis and expert interviews, in the background of 44th^l6th World Gymnastics Championships and the Rio Olympic Games final during Rio Olympics Period. The results show that whipback plus Thomas and other connections ended with flip under 2013 edition’s scoring rules have become a history. A single “Thomas” has been widely used in compositions. In or-der to meet the requirements of group, the composition of non-acrobatic elements, such as Japanese handst and flacks innova-tion. Back flip movement is not only used as connection in composition, but also used alone as the core of difficult movements which greatly raised the difficulty level of set movements.

关 键 词: 里约奥运会 自由体操 成套动作 编排特征


作者 李长俭
作者 陈剑昌
作者 孟宪林


机构 韶关学院体育学院体育系
机构 商丘师范学院体育学院
机构 曲阜师范大学体育科学学院
机构 韩山师范学院体育系
机构 韶关学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚