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Exploration of Clinically Applied Law of Zusanli in Acupuncture Dacheng

作  者: (王心意); (裴兴虹);

机构地区: 北京中医药大学针灸推拿学院,北京100029

出  处: 《四川中医》 2017年第8期13-15,共3页

摘  要: 通过整理《针灸大成》一书中有关足三里穴的记载,对足三里穴的腧穴定位、刺灸方法、针灸处方进行讨论,发现其除了可以治疗足阳明胃经循行所过的疾病,还与五脏关系很密切。其临床适应症可概括为三个方面:内科疾病、外科疾病、妇科疾病。其中内科疾病又可分为:肝系疾病、心系疾病、脾胃系疾病、肺系疾病、肾系疾病、气血津液疾病、肢体经络疾病等,临床应用十分广泛。 Through finishing the information about Zusanli in Acupuncture Dacheng and discussing location of acupoints,acupuncture and moxibustion methods,acumoxibustion prescription,we find that in addition to the treatment of Foot Yangming Meridian circulation of the disease,it also has a close relationship with the five internal organs. Its clinical indications can be summarized into three aspects: internal disease,surgical disease,gynecological disease. Internal disease can be divided into the liver disease,heart disease,spleen and stomach disease,lung disease,kidney disease,Qi and blood disease,body meridian disease etc. Zusanli has a wide range of indications.

关 键 词: 足三里 针灸大成 临床应用




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