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On the Theory of the Basis of Collateral Obligation Can Be Applied to the Right of Defense of Concurrent Performance

作  者: (张萌);

机构地区: 华侨大学法学院,福建泉州362021

出  处: 《成都理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第5期12-17,共6页

摘  要: 附随义务是随着合同关系的发展而产生的、以诚实信用原则为法理依据的义务。近年来,我国学者对附随义务的研究不断深入,其中一个重要理论问题,即附随义务之违反能否适用同时履行抗辩权。通过理论和案例分析,在附随义务之违反致使合同目的落空的情况下,可以适用同时履行抗辩权。首先,在此种情况下,附随义务与主给付义务之间能够满足发生、存续、履行三方面的牵连性,符合同时履行抗辩权适用原理;其次,结合合同目的判断理论,对违反各类型附随义务的案例进行分析可以得出,各类型附随义务之违反在一定情况下可以导致合同目的落空。 The collateral obligation of contract is generated with the development of the contractual relationship,it is on the basis of the principle of good faith.In recent years,Chinese scholars have deepened their research on the accompanying obligation,one of the important theoretical questions is whether the violation of the collateral obligation can be applied to the right of defense of concurrent performance.Through theoretical and case analysis,in the event that the breach of the collateral obligation lead to the contract can not be achieved,collateral obligation can be applied to the right of defense of concurrent performance.First,in the event that the breach of the collateral obligation lead to the contract can not be achieved,collateral obligation and the main payment obligation can satisfy three aspects of implicated,that is occurrence,existence and fulfillment.It is in line with the applicable principle of the right of defense of concurrent performance.Second,combined with the theory to determine the purpose of contract,analyze the cases in which each type of implied obligation was violated,it can be concluded that the violation of the various types of implied obligations can lead to the failure of the contract in certain circumstances.

关 键 词: 合同目的落空 附随义务 同时履行抗辩权


作者 张待水
作者 周新军
作者 傅凝洲
作者 石静涵
作者 柯劲恒


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 深圳大学法学院
机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院
机构 中山大学法学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚