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Industrial Application of RSDS-Ⅲ and Solvent Extraction Combination Technology

作  者: (王研);

机构地区: 淮安清江石油化工有限责任公司技术运行部,江苏淮安223002

出  处: 《淮阴工学院学报》 2017年第3期37-40,共4页

摘  要: 随着我国油品标准不断升级,要求硫含量不大于10μg/g的国V汽油标准已经在全国范围内实施。为使汽油产品的硫含量满足国V汽油标准要求,同时解决由于深度加氢脱硫使烯烃饱和程度增加导致辛烷值下降不利于油品调和的问题,选择RSDS-III与溶剂抽提组合技术在30万吨/年汽油加氢装置上进行工业应用,该技术较好地解决了汽油脱硫和产品辛烷值损失之间的矛盾。 With the continuous upgrading of China's oil standards, the national V gasoline standard which requires the sulfur content less than 10μg/g has been implemented nationwide. In order to meet the requirements of the national V gasoline standard, at the same time, to solve the problem of oil reconciliation caused by octane decline due to the degree increase of olefins saturation after deep hydrodesulfurization. Huai^tn Qingjiang Petro- chemical Co. , Ltd. uses RSDS -Ⅲ and solvent extraction combination technology in the 300,000 tons/year petrol hydrogenation device for industrial applications, the technology can solve the contradictions between gasoline desulfurization and product octane loss.

关 键 词: 选择性加氢脱硫 溶剂抽提 辛烷值 工业应用




作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚