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Environmental Concern and Willingness to Pay for Environmental Protection:Moderating Effects of Governmental Trust——Concurrent Discussions on Environmental Governance Dilemmas

作  者: (池上新); (陈诚); (许英);

机构地区: 深圳大学心理与社会学院,广东深圳518060

出  处: 《中国地质大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第5期72-79,共8页

摘  要: 中国政府和公民越来越重视环境保护,但生态环境的总体趋势依然不容乐观。本文基于全国性调查数据CGSS2010,实证分析造成环境治理困境的原因,发现中国居民环境关心对环保支付意愿确实存在促进效应,但是二者关系会受到政府信任抑制性的调节作用。换而言之,信任政府的居民,环境关心对其环保支付意愿的促进效应比较弱,而不信任政府的居民则相反。由此可见,中国政府与居民在环境保护过程中形成"控制——依赖"关系并产生环保"套结",这种环保依赖性是导致居民主观能动性"缺席"的结构性原因,也是中国政府环境治理困境的根源之一。 The Chinese government and citizens are paying more and more attention to environmental protection, but why is the trend of general ecological environment deterioration still not effectively con- tained? Based on the national survey data CGSS2010, this paper makes empirical analysis on causes for environmental governance dilemmas. We find that environmental concern of Chinese residents does have facilitating effects on willingness to pay for environmental protection, and that the relations between them is influenced by inhibitory regulations of governmental trust. In other words, environmental con- cern of residents with trusts in the government has weaker facilitating effects on their willingness to pay for environmental protection, while it is on the contrary for residents without trusts in the government. Thus, it can be concluded that the Chinese government and citizens form "control-depend- ence" relations and generate environmental protection "noose" during the process of environmental pro- tection, and that such environmental protection dependence is the structural cause for "absence" of sub- jective initiative of residents as well as one of roots of environmental governance dilemmas of the Chinese government.

关 键 词: 环境关心 环保支付意愿 政府信任 环境治理 调节效应


作者 杨琨
作者 林志帆
作者 周辉
作者 潘美霞
作者 钟英姿


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广东财经大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚