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An Analysis of Chinese Peasants' Reading from the Perspective of Media-ecology

作  者: (陈莹);

机构地区: 吉林师范大学传媒学院,长春130103

出  处: 《图书情报知识》 2017年第5期59-66,共8页

摘  要: 当前,农民阅读问题日益受到国家的重视。但收入水平差,受教育程度低,农村出版物匮乏、缺少精品等现实问题严重制约着农民阅读。媒介生态学是用生态学的观点和方法来探索和揭示人与媒介、社会、自然四者之间的相互关系及其发展变化的本质和规律的科学。应用媒介生态学分析农民阅读问题可以建立整体、系统的认知观念,基于农村阅读生态系统中阅读者、生产者和保障者三要素分析我国农村阅读生态目前存在的问题及成因。同时,对农村阅读生态变化进行趋势分析发现:乡村社会内在的信息需求将会不断得到激发,科技因子的干预会为农民阅读提供新的可能,政策保障持续发力将强化生态系统的稳固性,信息污染及信息治理问题将会在农村社会日益凸显。因此,从生态治理改进的角度看,促进农民阅读需要抓住生态治理的根本,建立城乡教育一体化体系;回归生态功能本位,建立健全以市场供给为主,政策扶持为辅的农村出版调控机制;发挥新生态因子的干预作用,积极推广数字化阅读,培育打造农村电子商务平台。 Currently, the state is attaching increasing importance to farmers" reading, but the farmers are seriously restricted in their reading due to their low incomes, poor education, lack of rural publications, short of high-quality reading materials, etc. Media ecology is a science that aims to explore and reveal the relationship among four entities, the human being, the media, the society and the nature, as well as their nature and law of development and change by means of ecological viewpoints and methods. Using the science of media ecology to analyze farmers' reading problems could help to establish a whole and systematic cognitive concept, and, based on the three fundamental elements of readers, producers and guarantors, for analyzing the problems and causes to the problems in the rural reading ecology in China in the rural reading ecosystem. At the same time, the analysis of the trend of rural ecological changes shows that the demand for information in the rural society will continue to be stimulated; the intervention of scientific and technological factors will promote farmers' reading; policy guarantee will continuously strengthen the stability of the ecosystem; and such problems as information pollution and information governance will become increasingly prominent in the rural society. Therefore, from the perspective of ecological governance improvement, in order to encourage farmers to read, it is necessary to seize the fundamental ecological manage- ment, establish an urban and rural education integration system, return to original ecological functions, establish and improve the rural publication regulatory mechanism mainly with market supplies coupled with policy supports, bring into new ecological factors ' role of intervention, actively promote digital reading, and build e-commerce platforms in rural areas.

关 键 词: 农民阅读 媒介生态学 农村阅读生态系统 生态治理 生态功能 生态因子


作者 涂世亮
作者 钟岚
作者 刘华强
作者 陈晓静
作者 高晶


机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 华南理工大学新闻与传播学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚