作 者: (张明芳);
机构地区: 宜春学院外国语学院,江西宜春336000
出 处: 《宜春学院学报》 2017年第8期107-113,共7页
摘 要: 本文以某高校英语专业三年级一个自然班32名学生为被试,收集其一个学期的课外非限时、非命题作文128篇,分析其思辨能力对其外语写作的影响。同时,以问卷的形式调查了被试的写作兴趣、写作动机、写作方法与写作态度等相关信息。研究发现,仅思辨能力一个维度与外语写作几乎不存在线性关系,外语写作成绩是被试综合语言能力、写作知识与技巧、其与写作相关的非智力因素共同作用的结果。 The present thesis regards 32 Juniors of English Major s from a local university in Jiangxi Province OF China as subjects,studies 128 compositions freely written( without time or topic limit) by them to explore the influence of their level of critical thinking on the EFL writing,andinvesting,ates their interest in,motivation and approach to,and attitude towards EFL writing. The result shows no linear relation between learner' s level of critical thinking and their performance of EFL writing. Instead,learner' s performance of EFL writing is the result of comprehensive influence of his language proficiency,his mastery of writing knowledge and skills and related non-intellectual factors.