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On Gable Roof of Architectures in Ming and Qing Dynasties

作  者: (汤艳杰);

机构地区: 河北大学历史学院,河北保定071000

出  处: 《重庆建筑》 2017年第9期11-15,共5页

摘  要: 在中国古代建筑中屋顶是十分重要的组成部分,形式多种多样,其中歇山顶是仅次于庑殿顶的高级形式。从外形上看,歇山顶是由悬山顶和庑殿顶组成,歇山顶从新石器时代到明清时期不断发展,明清时期不仅继承前一时期的技术,而且在其基础上又有了一定的创新,明清时期的官式做法使用踩步金与草架柱子使得歇山加大,使收山缩小,正脊加长。歇山屋顶的发展从侧面反映出明清的建筑无论在装饰上还是在构造功能上都铸就了中国古代建筑的辉煌。 Roof is quite an important part of the ancient architectures in China. It has quite a few styles, among which gable roof is a senior one just following hip roof. Being seen from the appearance, gable roof is composed of overhanging gable roof and hip roof. It developed since the Neolithic Age to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, when some creation was made based on the previous techniques, so the gable was enlarged, the recessing gable was reduced and the main ridge was lengthened. The development of gable roof reflects the magnificence of ancient Chinese architecture in Ming and Qing dynasties, whether in decoration or function.

关 键 词: 古代建筑 歇山顶 抹角梁 顺趴梁 柱网 明清建筑


作者 李永新


机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院政治科学系


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