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Psyche and Hunpo:The Metaphysical Universality between Ancient Greek Philosophy and Pre-Qin Ideas of China

作  者: (匡钊);

机构地区: 中国社会科学院哲学研究所,北京100732

出  处: 《文史哲》 2017年第5期116-128,共13页

摘  要: 以"心"观念为主轴,先秦存在一个以"精"、"神"、"气"、"魂"、"魄"等相互关联的观念所形成的"观念丛"。由先秦至汉初思想界以精气论魂魄的主流观点可见,此观念丛有如下的结构:心可以理解为魂魄,而魂魄可以离开人的形体存在,并分属两个不同的层次——前者与儒家的最高观念天或道家的最高观念道有关,与阳气、精神以及人所具备的高级智能有关;后者与地和人的具体身体有关,与人的感官经验和运动能力等有关,处于相对较低的层次。处于前一较高层次者,究其本质并非人自身所本有,而是宇宙中某种高于人的精气之类驻留于人身之后的结果;处于后一较低层次者,古人论之较含糊,大约便是人作为生命体所具备的一些生物能力的驱动力与原因。对比亚里士多德对于古希腊观念psuché的阐述,可以发现在古希腊思想中存在一个完全类似的观念结构,实际上psuché恰好相当于中国所谓"心"。中希之间这种思想上的相似性,显示了人类在面对人与世界的关系时,所具有的超越文化类型的一般观点,即某种高于人的普遍的精神性因素优先地决定着人自身的精神现象。这为不同类型的"形而上学"具有共性提供了最终的支持与依据。 There is acluster of ideas which is formed with some correlative ideas such as jing,shen,qi,hun,and po which are all circled the idea of xin(heart/mind)in the pre-Qin times.Based on the main viewpoint which explain hunPo by vital force(jingqi)in the thought circle in Pre-Qin and early Han Dynasty,the cluster of ideas is regarded as showing a structure:xinis interpreted as hun-po which could leave the body of human and be divided into two levels.Hunis related to the highest idea Tian(Heaven)of Confucianism or Dao of Daoism and is associated with yangqi,spirit(jingshen)and the advanced intellect of human.Po is related to the earth,the physical body,sensorial experience and ability of exercise of human.Po is on a relative lower level than hun.Hun which is on a higher level does not belong to human essentially,but is resided in human body.It is a kind of vital force in the cosmos which is higher than and resided in the human.Po on the lower level is not fully discussed by the ancients and maybe is the driving force and cause of physiological ability of human as a living being.Compared to the explanation to the ancient Greek idea 'psuché' which is made by Aristotle,it could be found that there is a similar structure of ideas in ancient Greek thought and psuchéis equivalent to Xin of China.The similarity of thought between ancient China and Greece shows human hold a general viewpoint which is beyond the type of culture,when they faced the relationship between human being and the world.It is that a kind of higher universal spirituality factor determines the spiritual phenomenon of human in prior,which provides the ultimate support for the universality between different types of metaphysics.

关 键 词: 精气


作者 刘小强
作者 梁健丽
作者 张晓青
作者 王艺霖
作者 刘大为


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院马克思主义哲学与中国现代化研究所


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚