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Factors Capitalization,Industry Development and Targeted Poverty Alleviation:Based on the Investigation of Danzhai County in Guizhou Province

作  者: (张海鹏);

机构地区: 中国特色社会主义经济建设协同创新中心 南开大学政治经济学研究中心

出  处: 《政治经济学评论》 2017年第5期133-155,共23页

摘  要: 精准扶贫是我国当前正在推进的重大发展战略。本文结合在贵州省丹寨县的实地调研分析认为,推进精准扶贫的根本举措在于产业发展。产业发展既包括贫困地区的本地产业发展,也包括外地产业发展。本地产业发展主要依赖贫困地区隐性优势资源的显现化和显性优势资源的资本化进程。要素和资源的资本化进程又依赖政府扶贫资金的基础性和先导性投入,让贫困地区具备产业盈利空间;依赖下乡驻村干部为扶贫资金提供精准制导,帮助找到产业发展突破口,特别是着力发展低端生产方式下的高端产业,最终形成脱贫帮扶利益共同体。外地产业发展主要通过"税收—财政—扶贫"、"产业—就业—扶贫"以及"产业—企业直接投入—扶贫"等模式,对贫困地区进行直接或间接帮扶。精准扶贫中的本地产业发展与产业发展中的精准扶贫过程要妥善处理好诸多难题。 At present, targeted poverty alleviation is a major development strategy in China. Based on the investigation of Danzhai County in Guizhou Province, this paper ar- gues that industrial development is the fundamental measure to implement the poverty alleviation program. Industrial development includes both the development of local in- dustries in poor areas and the development of industries in other regions of China. The former mainly relies on poor areas to find and effectively use the unique characteristics of resources, realizes the capitalization of resources and focuses on the development of advanced industry which has lower production mode. In order to do this, the local gov- ernment needs massive infrastructure investment, poverty alleviation cadres provide the necessary assistance, and to form a community of interests with multiple economic entities involved. The latter mainly refers to "tax-finance-poverty alleviation ", "indus- try-employment-poverty alleviation" and "industry-enterprise direct investment-poverty alleviation" and other models of poverty alleviation. The relationship between the devel- opment of these two types of industries and poverty alleviation needs to be properly handled.

关 键 词: 精准扶贫 要素资本化 产业发展 贵州丹寨


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机构 广东财经大学
机构 华南农业大学
机构 华南理工大学


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