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A review of multi-disciplinary studies on predicative metaphor

作  者: (苏远连);

机构地区: 广州大学

出  处: 《现代外语》 2017年第5期705-714,共10页

摘  要: 虽然近10年来动词隐喻研究不断增加,并在语言学、心理语言学及神经语言学等多个学科同时推进,但仍然存在不少亟待解决的问题。本文对语言学学科的本体研究、心理语言学学科的心智加工机制研究以及神经语言学学科的认知神经机制研究进行了全面的综述,归纳了各类研究涉及的主要议题和调查发现,指出了不足之处,并针对性地提出改善建议,为未来的研究指出方向。 Although the past decade has witnessed a growing number of studies on predicative metaphor in linguistics, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, and other disciplines, many issues still need to be addressed. This article first gives a comprehensive review of current research on predicative metaphor,focusing on studies about its ontological basis, the mental processing mechanisms and the neurocognitive mechanisms involved in its comprehension. Then a summary of the main issues addressed in these studies is offered with their major findings. Finally, weaknesses of these studies are identified, and suggestions for overcoming these weaknesses are proposed for future studies.

关 键 词: 动词隐喻 多学科研究 现状 展望


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