作 者: (冯嘉慧);
机构地区: 《全球教育展望》编辑部 华东师范大学课程与教学研究所,上海200062
出 处: 《全球教育展望》 2017年第9期3-12,共10页
摘 要: 深度学习缘起于人工智能中多层神经网络的机器学习方法,进而引申至教育学领域成为近来提倡的深度学习。前者主要指人工智能中的多层结构高级智能系统,应用于图像及语音识别、阿尔法围棋,等等。后者主要指以提升创新能力等高端思维能力为目标的有效学习方式。教育学意义上的深度学习的主要目标是培养和提升人的高层次的思维和问题解决能力。相关的学习策略主要包括研究性学习(或科学探究)、多维表征学习、有思考的做中学、主动学习,等等。深度学习虽然是一个新的提法,但其代表的教育理念以及相关的学习策略是根植于近一个世纪来的认知、学习和教育研究的理论和实验结果的,可以从复杂理论、隐性学习、整体学习等已有的学习理论中获得相关的理论支持。从实践层面上来说,深度学习不只是hands on,更重要的是minds on。 Deep learning is a term originated from the multi-layer machine learning systems in artificial intelligence, which have been widely applied in image and speech recognition and intelligent gamer such as the AlphaGo. Deep learning as a catchy term has been recently extended into education and widely circulated to emphasize the type of learning that develops higher level thinking and reasoning among learners. In education, the strategies of deep learning often include project-based learning, multiple representation, minds on and hands on learning, and active learning. Deep learning is a new term in education but is deeply rooted in the century long research in cognitive science, learning science, and education. Both the concept and the strategies of deep learning are supported by the traditional learning theories such as complexity theory, implicit learning, holistic learning, etc. Deep learning is not just hands on learning, but more impoi'tantly it must be minds on.