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Application of Proportionality Principle in Administration in China

作  者: (王静);

机构地区: 国家行政学院行政法研究中心

出  处: 《财经法学》 2017年第5期19-30,共12页

摘  要: 比例原则是德国法上的重要原则,近年来在世界范围内都有辐射和影响,成为全球行政法中的一个现象级话题。中国在现代行政法发展的历程里,比例原则经由学术传播到实践应用,其适用发展也不可谓不快。文章对比例原则在中国的传播路径和法律规定做了细致的梳理,认为比例原则相比于正当程序等在中国得到了更快的传播与发展,司法审查中适用比例原则固然重要,但行政实践中对比例原则的适用更为重要,对保护公民权利、推进法治政府建设也更为关键。文章深入分析了裁量基准的推行、网吧禁令、机动车限购限行措施和治理"中国式过马路"等具体事例,认为良法善治对政府提出更高要求,比例原则应当有更多适用,而且能否更多适用取决于司法审查、行政监督乃至社会监督等各种机制共同发挥作用。 Proportionality principle, an important legal principle originated from German, has great influence all over the world and always is discussed as a phenomenon in global ad- ministrative law. With the rapid development of modern administrative law in China, propor- tionality principle has been spread fast from academic research to administration practice. The article summarizes the legislation and related documents for proportionality principle, analyzes how the principle is accepted in practice from scholars' study and made some conclusions in- cluding proportionality principle actually develops better than due process, application of pro- portionality in judicial review is still significant but is less important than in administration. The article conduct deep research in some real cases such as discretion standards, the order of closing internet bars, kinds of limitation methods in purchasing and using of automobiles and governance of traffic violation eases by pedestrians ere,. Good legislation and good governance raises higher standards for the government so that proportionality principle shall be applied more and often. In order to push forward the application of proportionality principle, judieial review, administrative supervision, social supervision and so on shall play functions together.

关 键 词: 比例原则 行政法 法治


作者 宁清华
作者 刘国庆
作者 罗文苑
作者 毛欣欣
作者 吴开华


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学法学院
机构 广州大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚