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A Study on the Cross-border Flow of TV Formatsbased on the Theory of Media Globalization

作  者: (戴颖洁);

机构地区: 浙江传媒学院新闻与传播学院,浙江杭州310018

出  处: 《浙江传媒学院学报》 2017年第4期2-9,145,共8页

摘  要: 文章将电视节目模式的跨境流动作为分析媒介全球化现象的一个视窗,发现伴随着媒介全球化理论从文化帝国主义流派到文化多元主义流派的转变,节目模式也经历了由美国作为单一输出主体到世界范围内出现多个产制主体的格局变迁,地方对模式的"在地化"改编策略也日趋开放和深入。但是,对媒介资源多极化流动的过多关注,容易忽视全球范围内媒介权力结构的失衡。文章运用斯特劳哈尔(Straubhaar,1991)"非对称的互相依赖"(Asymmetrical interdependence)理论分析了当前的节目模式流动,既看到了全球模式版图的失衡,也体察到模式"在地化"过程中各方力量的对比关系。这种对文化表象下隐藏的媒介权力结构的识别,应成为全球化时代媒介研究的旨归。 The cross-border flow of TV formats is taken as a window to analyze the phenomenon of media globalization.In this paper,we find that along with the shift of media globalization theory from the school of cultural imperialism to that of cultural pluralism,TV formats have also experienced changes in terms of the subjects of TV production,going from the United States as a single output subject to the worldwide production of multiple subjects.Meanwhile,the adaptation strategies of'localization'of TV formats are becoming increasingly diverse.However,excessively focusing on the multi-polarization of media resources may lead to the neglect of the imbalance of power structures around the world.Straubhaar put forward the theory of'asymmetrical interdependence',which means that although the West still dominates the output of media products,we should not ignore the activities of media production in non-Western countries,as well as the interdependence between them.Using this point of view to analyze the current flow of TV formats,not only can we see the imbalance of the global TV format industry,but also recognize the contrasting relations between different forces in the process of localization of TV formats.The identification of the power structureshidden in cultural representation should be the aim of media research in the era of globalization.

关 键 词: 节目模式 跨境流动 媒介全球化 媒介权力


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机构 广州番禺职业技术学院
机构 广东科技学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东科学技术职业学院
机构 广州工程技术职业学院


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