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Optimization on a Combined Inlet for Division Air Conditioning in a Printing Plant

作  者: (申健); (杨长青); (高小攀); (吕文超); (李安桂);

机构地区: 西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院,西安710055

出  处: 《建筑科学》 2017年第8期83-89,共7页

摘  要: 印刷厂房属于高大空间建筑且能耗显著,其中的空调系统不仅要承担来自围护结构及人员的冷热负荷,还要承担印刷过程中印刷机所产生的大量散热。现有研究表明,改善印刷厂房能耗问题的根本出路是改善其气流组织形式。本文以某高大空间的印刷厂空调系统为研究对象,从高大空间分区域空调气流组织技术入手,研究组合风口条件下的冬夏季送风气流组织优化形式,探求一种夏季促进形成温度分层、冬季阻碍温度分层的组合风口气流组织形式,并结合数值模拟与模型实验手段优化了该气流组织形式。研究表明:新型分区域空调系统在采用直吹工作区气流组织形式下解决了传统送风模式弊端,使得分区域空调系统能够在冬夏两季满足送风要求。新系统中,3种送风形式都能基本满足工作区的温度要求。但是相对而言,在同等风量和送风温度下,百叶风口侧送+45°旋流风口在冬季工况下具有最好的空调效果,使得工作区温度能够保持一致。在夏季工况下,采用百叶风口侧送+(45°~60°)旋流风口送风气流组织均具有良好的送风效果。 The printing plant is a large space building with large energy consumption,so that the air conditioning system should not only bear the hot and cold load from the envelopes and staffs,but also bear the heat produced by printing machines. The research shows the fundamental solution to reduce energy consumption is to optimize its air distribution. Therefore,started with air distribution technology for division air conditioning in large space,air distribution under multiple coupled air-supply inlets in both winter and summer has been optimized. Finally,a scheme of air distribution which can promote temperature stratification in summer and impede temperature stratification in winter is proposed. And it is further improved by means of model experiment and numerical simulation. It is showed that this novel division air conditioning system can solve the drawbacks of traditional ventilation modes by supplying air directly to working zone,which can meet the requirement of air supply in both winter and summer. In this novel air conditioning system,three types of air supply schemes all can basically satisfy the temperature requirement in working zone. Broadly speaking, under the same airflow and supply air temperature,the mode for air distribution of Shutter inlet + swirl diffuser( 45°) has the best performance in winter,and the mode for air distribution of Shutter inlet + swirl diffuser( 45° ~ 60°) all have better air conditioning effect in summer.

关 键 词: 印刷厂房 分区域空调 气流组织 实验 数值模拟 温度场


作者 黎志惠
作者 胡晓丹
作者 陈淑环
作者 陈秋明
作者 莫基旺


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东轻工职业技术学院管理工程系


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚