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Distribution of n-alkanes from Lake Wanghu Sediments in Relation to Environmental Changes

作  者: (沈贝贝); (吴敬禄); (曾海鳌); (张永东); (金苗);

机构地区: 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所,湖泊与环境国家重点实验室,南京210008 中国科学院大学,北京100049

出  处: 《环境科学》 2017年第9期3682-3688,共7页

摘  要: 通过对网湖沉积岩芯中正构烷烃含量和组成特征的分析,探讨了网湖近百年来的湖泊环境变化.结果表明,网湖沉积岩芯中正构烷烃的碳数范围在n-C14~n-C33之间,其中以高碳数组分为主,并具有明显的奇偶优势,反映了沉积物有机质以大型水生植物和陆生植物贡献为主,较低的2n-C31/(n-C27+n-C29)比值指示陆源输入中以木本植物输入为主.根据正构烷烃参数指示的沉积物有机质来源变化特征,近百年来网湖水体环境变化具有如下3个阶段:20世纪50年代以前,网湖与长江水体交换频繁,湖泊水体处于低营养环境状态,沉积物正构烷烃高/低分子量正构烷烃比值(H/L)和陆/水生类脂物比值(TAR)较高,沉积物有机质主要来源于陆生植物和大型水生植物,湖泊浮游藻类贡献少;20世纪50~80年代,H/L和TAR值明显下降,中、短链正构烷烃的比例略有升高,表明陆源植被对沉积物有机质的贡献降低,水生植物和浮游藻类贡献的有机质增加,但较低的2n-C17/(n-C23+n-C25)值表明浮游藻类有机质较低,此时湖泊水体较为稳定,湖泊受长江水位影响减小,湖泊营养水平有所升高;1980s以来,总体上湖泊受流域人类活动影响明显,湖泊水体营养水平升高,沉积物正构烷烃表现为H/L和TAR值升高后下降,正构烷烃总量和2n-C17/(n-C23+n-C25)比值显著升高,2000年后尤其明显,表明湖泊沉积物有机质输入增加,其中湖泊浮游藻类贡献明显增加. Concentrations and distribution of n-alkanes( n-C14 to n-C33) in Lake Wanghu sediment core were analyzed to investigate the environmental changes in the lake during the past ~ 100 years. Relatively higher concentrations of mid-and long-chain n-alkanes with a strong odd-over-even carbon number predominance indicated organic matter contributions dominated by aquatic macrophytes and terrestrial plants. The lower values of 2n-C31/( n-C27+ n-C29) highlighted a type of landscape dominated by woody plants. The environmental changes that have been happening over the past 100 years in Lake Wanghu can be divided into three stages,based on the organic matter sources inferred from the changes in n-alkane parameters in the sediments. Before the 1950 s,higher values of terrigenous/aquatic ratio( TAR) and high-/low-molecular weight n-alkanes( H/L) indicated vascular,plant-derived sediments deposited during a low-nutrient,clear-water phase with frequent water exchange between the lake and the Yangtze River. Between the1950 s and 1980 s,decrease in values of H/L and TAR,and increase in the proportion of mid-and short-chain n-alkanes indicated a shift towards mid-and shorter-chain components likely associated with the increasing contribution of macrophytes and algae. Lower 2nC17/( n-C23+ n-C25) values indicated a relatively low algal abundance. In that stage,the lake trophic state increased slightly with the decreasing influence of the Yangtze River flow. After the 1980 s,H/L and TAR values increased and then decreased,total n-alkane concentrations and 2n-C17/( n-C23+ n-C25) increased significantly,especially after 2000 s,suggesting the main contributor to high organic matter input most likely shifted to algae because of the eutrophication caused by anthropogenic activities.

关 键 词: 长江中游 网湖 沉积岩芯 正构烷烃 有机质来源 环境变化


作者 赵超
作者 宋萍
作者 刘艳秋
作者 熊美娟
作者 尤成德


机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 东莞理工学院
机构 中共深圳市委党校


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚