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Tourism Myth-making:A Case Study of Ancient City of Fenghuang in Western Hunan Province

作  者: (彭丹);

机构地区: 湖南师范大学旅游学院,湖南长沙410081

出  处: 《旅游学刊》 2017年第9期34-46,共13页

摘  要: 文章采取定性研究方法,借助访谈法搜集一手资料,运用扎根理论对资料进行分析,在田野调查中发现,个案地——湘西凤凰古城具有三类迷思,包括本真性迷思、边城迷思和浪漫的迷思。旅游地的迷思制造是对旅游地的社会建构,旅游地的迷思建构中存在着社会互动的过程。旅游迷思的生产者包括政府、企业、文学作品、媒体、居民和游客。其中,原本作为迷思消费方的旅游者也在无形中参与了迷思的制造,各方都有自己的话语,制造了各个迷思。随后分析了迷思制造中的两种逻辑:工具理性和价值理性,并梳理了迷思制造的演变过程。最后,迷思制造的各方力量可以归纳为权力、资本和社会三个方面,凤凰的地方权力和资本共谋了凤凰的迷思,二者的关系形态是地方法团主义。同时,社会这一方也在无形中参与了迷思的共谋,权力、资本和社会三方共谋了凤凰的三个迷思,以话语为武器共同捍卫着凤凰的迷思。 The paper studies a classic case of a tourism destination with famous myths.The paper mainly discusses how myths are made regarding this particular tourism destination.This article first analyses the differences between myth(misi,Chinese pronunciation) and myth(shenhua,also Chinese pronunciation).Misi and shenhua are totally different terms.Myth(misi) is a second-order sign defined by France semiotician Roland Barthes.Based on the philosophical concept of myth identified by Barthes,this paper defines a myth as a secondary symbol that is artificially constructed,refracted,shared,and naturalized.This qualitative study is based on research obtained through interviews,and uses grounded-theory to analyze the data.The paper is a case study of Phoenix Ancient City in Western Hunan Province.What myths does the city of Phoenix have?First,from the opposition of modernity and traditionalism,the first level of the myth of Phoenix Ancient City can be found.Because of the symptomatic ambivalence of modernity,people's discontent with modern society spurred on their imagination and led to the construction of an ideal world;a place where people could project their imagined and perfect alternate reality.In China,the myths that oppose modernity are the myths of border areas,and the common theme among border area myths is authenticity.Phoenix Ancient City also has such an authenticity myth.The second myth in Phoenix Ancient City comes from Shen Congwen and his literary work,"Border Town".Some tourists go to Phoenix Ancient City with the intent to look for the pure,simple and quiet border town described by Congwen.The third myth of Phoenix Ancient City is one of romance,about love and the petty bourgeois.Phoenix Ancient City's romance is artificially constructed and the adventure label is added by people who fantasize about encountering love in the border town or the identity of the petty bourgeois.After identifying common themes present in myths,this paper analyses how the myths are made.The myth-making of tour

关 键 词: 迷思 旅游 迷思制造 建构


作者 彭丹
作者 唐琳
作者 赵骏杰
作者 向春玲
作者 戴姣


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学地理科学与规划学院旅游发展与规划研究中心
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚