机构地区: 中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所,北京100081
出 处: 《中国农业大学学报》 2017年第10期180-191,共12页
摘 要: 为全面了解农业贷款绩效状况,选取农业生产环节20种农产品,农产品加工业12个子产业,和其他工业部门共57个产业,根据历史财务状况构建项目,测算各产业项目贷款风险调整后绩效指标:相对绩效指标(EVA)与绝对绩效指标(aRAROC)。结果表明:1)受到收益和规模状况的双重制约,农业生产环节贷款两项指标表现均较差,面临着比较严重的贷款排斥;2)与其他产业相比,农产品加工业贷款的相对绩效优势明显,但受到贷款规模制约,绝对绩效排序下滑明显。最后根据上述结论提出改善农产品市场稳定性,提高农产品加工业规模化发展水平,和构建多层次农村金融体系的建议。 In order to obtain full understanding of the performances of agricultural loans,the historical financial data of 57 industries including 20 agricultural products and 12 agricultural processing industries-were selected, The risk-adjusted performance indicators of these industries were then calculated according to their historical performances which including the relative performance indicator aRAROC and absolute performance indicator EVA. The result showed that: 1)Due to the double restriction of income and size factor, the performances of two indexes of agricultural production loans are poor, and the agricultural sector faces serious financial exclusion; 2)Compared with other industries, agricultural processing industry loans have advantages in relative performance indicators, but restricted by the size of loans, and the absolute performance ranking fell significantly. Based on the analysis above, suggestions are put forwarded in this study on improve the stability of agricultural products market, develop the scale level of agricultural processing industry and construct Multi-level Rural Financial System.