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Further Reform on China's Agricultural Supply-side Reform

作  者: (郑风田);

机构地区: 中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院,北京100872

出  处: 《新疆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2017年第5期41-51,共11页

摘  要: 农业供给侧改革的实质就是在目前我国粮食过剩的前提下,如何通过提升农产品品质和安全,来满足不断增长的消费需求。我国的粮食过剩是低品质的过剩,为了生产更多的粮食,施用了太多的化肥农药,不但污染了土壤与地下水,还造成面源污染,这种农业生产方式是不可持续的。农业供给侧改革的主攻方向就是从量到质,要以市场为导向,紧跟消费需求变化,通过对农业生产方式的调整,不仅要让人们吃饱、吃好,还要吃得健康;不仅要满足大众对优质农产品的需求,还要满足大众对农业观光休闲等服务性产品的需求,满足对青山绿水的生态化绿色化需求。 The reform on agricultural supply side is designed in essence under the premise of present-day grain surplus to meet increasing consumer's demand through better its quality and security. China's grain surplus is that of inferior quality.In order to produce more grain, excessive chemical fertilizer is applied, which not only pollutes soil and underground water but pollutes flour source as a sort of unsustainable. The reform on agricultural supply side is targeted for quality from quantity to be oriented by market and followed by consumer's demand. The readjustment in farming-prodcution way is intended to have people well fed to be healthy and individualized, which meets people's need for superior farming produces, that for agricultural sight-seeing and leisure service and that for eco-environment.

关 键 词: 农业供给侧 消费 粮食过剩 绿色生产方式


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机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 广东财经大学
机构 香港中文大学


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