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Differences of Stem Main Inclusion Analysis of Wheat Varieties with Different Height and Lodging Resistance

作  者: (熊淑萍); (吴懿鑫); (王小纯); (于旭昊); (孟香苹); (张捷); (马新明);

机构地区: 河南粮食作物协同创新中心,河南郑州450002 河南农业大学农学院,河南郑州450002

出  处: 《麦类作物学报》 2017年第9期1187-1194,共8页

摘  要: 为探讨不同株高冬小麦的抗倒性与茎秆内含物的关系,以矮秆抗倒品种(矮抗58、周麦17)、高秆抗倒品种(周麦30、许科1号)、矮秆不抗倒品种(中麦895、新麦18)和高秆不抗倒品种(许科196、烟农999)为试验材料,比较了四种类型小麦茎秆糖、氮、钾等内含物的差异。结果表明,不同抗倒性小麦品种茎秆总糖含量、钾含量和全氮含量随生育时期的变化趋势一致。抗倒品种茎秆具有较高的总糖含量,其积累高峰阶段是拔节至开花期,不抗倒品种茎秆的总糖积累高峰阶段是开花至灌浆期;高秆品种的灌浆期总糖积累量显著高于矮秆品种。抗倒品种灌浆期至成熟期的茎秆钾外运量较低;矮秆品种茎秆钾含量高于高秆品种,但差异不显著。在茎秆生长阶段,不抗倒品种茎秆具有较高氮积累量和外运量,矮秆品种与高秆品种间两个指标均无显著差异。经通径分析,矮秆品种对抗倒性起主要作用的是茎秆全氮含量,高秆品种为茎秆总糖和全钾含量。从几种元素相互比值看,抗倒品种有着较高的碳氮比和碳钾比,氮钾比相对较低;同一抗倒性品种株高间不同元素比值无显著差异。茎秆中各种内含物之间相互影响,直接或间接地作用于茎秆抗倒伏能力,抗倒品种茎秆在生育前期有较高的可溶性总糖积累量、合适的碳氮比和碳钾比,灌浆期以后具有较低的钾外运量,这可能是抗倒伏的原因所在,而株高不是影响倒伏的主要因素,不同株高与品种对茎秆强度的影响因素不尽相同。生产中可以通过调节拔节期追肥改变茎秆中几种内含物比例来改善茎秆抗倒性能。 In order to study the changes of several inclusionsineluding nitrogen, potassium and total soluble sugar contents in stem of wheat varieties with different height and lodging resistance, eight wheat cultivars(Aikang 58 and Zhoumai 17, dwarf and lodging resistant; Zhoumai 30 and Xukel, tall and lodging resistant; Zhongmai 895 and Xinmai 18,dwarf and easy lodging; Xuke 196 and Yannong 999 ,tall and easy lodging) were used as experimental materials. The experimental study was carried out by randomized block design. The results showed that the total sugar content,potassium content and nitrogen content in stem of different lodging resistance varieties showed a consistent trend with the growth period. But thelodging resistant varieties had higher total sugar content. The total sugar accumulation of lodging resistant and easy lodgingvarieties was accumulated fromjointing stage to flowering period and from flowering period to filling stage, respectively. The total sugar accumulation of long-stalked varieties was significantly higher than that of short-stalked varieties at filling stage (P〈0.01). The lodging resistant varieties had lower amountof potassium exportation than that of easy lodging varieties from filling stage to maturation stage. The potassium content of short-stalked varieties was higher than that of long-stalked varieties, but the difference was not significant. Easy lodging varieties had high nitrogen accumulation and translocation at growth stages. There was no significantly difference between different plant height varieties. With path analysis, total nitrogen content of stem plays a major role in the dwarf varieties, but total sugar content and total potassium content plays significant role in the tall varieties. Lodging resistance varieties had higher carbon nitrogen ratio and carbon potassium ratio, but relatively low nitrogen potassium ratio. There was no significant difference of those ratios found among different plants with various height within the same lodging resistance variety. Main

关 键 词: 小麦 株高 抗倒性 茎秆内含物



机构 中山大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚