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Research progress on ground-airborne transient electromagnetic method

作  者: (张莹莹); (李貅);

机构地区: 新疆大学地质与矿业工程学院,乌鲁木齐830047

出  处: 《地球物理学进展》 2017年第4期1735-1741,共7页

摘  要: 随着瞬变电磁法的研究逐渐转向高海拔山区等地形地质条件复杂地区进行深部勘探,地空瞬变电磁法得到了更多的关注.地空瞬变电磁法结合了地面瞬变电磁法和航空瞬变电磁法各自的特点,相比地面瞬变电磁法,能有效提高野外工作效率;相比航空瞬变电磁法,勘探深度更大、采集信号信噪比更高.近几年来,地空瞬变电磁法得到了较快的发展.本文回顾了地空瞬变电磁法的历史发展与现状,总结了地空瞬变电磁法研究的最新进展,并对地空瞬变电磁法的各种装置类型进行了相关评述和总结,指出目前地空瞬变电磁法的问题主要在于解释水平跟不上,大都仍采用基于地面瞬变电磁的数据解释方法.为了进一步丰富地空瞬变电磁勘查体系,从仪器装备、数据预处理和处理技术、正反演及数据解释等方面对地空瞬变电磁法的发展方向进行了总结. Ground-airborne transient electromagnetic method(TEM) has got much attention when the exploration targets of TEM switches to areas with unfavorable and complicated geological conditions for deep exploration,such as high mountains,desert,and forest.Ground-airborne TEM combines the advantages of both ground TEM and airborne TEM.Compared with ground TEM,it works more efficiently due to its moving platform.While compared with airborne TEM,it improves exploration depth and signal to noise ratio due to its grounded source.Ground-airborne TEM has got relatively rapid development in recent years.In this paper,we review ground-airborne TEM technology systematically,summarize its latest research progress and comment on its typical configurations.The problem of ground-airborne TEM lies in its backward interpretation,most of which are still based on ground TEM.In order to enrich ground-airborne TEM survey system,we summarize the research directions of equipment,data preprocessing,forward modeling and inversion,data interpretation and joint interpretation of integrated geophysics.

关 键 词: 地空瞬变电磁法 三维正反演 装置形式 综述




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