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Effect of Planting Density and Potassium Application Rate on Seed Yield and Potassium Efficiency of Oilseed Flax

作  者: (谢亚萍); (牛俊义); (剡斌); (袁天佑); (刘栋); (杨天庆); (赵玮);

机构地区: 甘肃省农业科学院作物研究所,甘肃兰州730070

出  处: 《核农学报》 2017年第9期1856-1863,共8页

摘  要: 为研究不同施钾水平下种植密度对胡麻生长发育和钾肥利用效率的影响,以陇亚杂1号为材料,在低密度(4.5×106株·hm^(-2))、中密度(7.5×106株·hm^(-2))和高密度(10.5×106株·hm^(-2))下,设3个施钾水平0、45、90 kg·hm^(-2)(K2O),探究钾肥与密度对胡麻形态性状、籽粒产量、油产量及钾肥利用率的影响。结果表明,施钾相同时,与低密度相比,随着密度增加,中、高密度植株的株高、有效分枝数和有效蒴果数平均分别降低14.24%、42.90%和13.10%,工艺长度平均增加了10.43%;籽粒产量和油产量均呈先升高后降低的趋势,相比低密度,中、高密度下,籽粒产量分别增加9.21%和3.71%,油产量分别增加了9.25%和3.71%;钾肥农学利用率降低,与低密度相比,中、高密度平均降低26.12%,钾肥偏生产力先升高后降低,中、高密度下分别增加7.46%和1.11%。密度相同情况下,随钾肥增加,胡麻株高、分枝高度、有效分枝数、有效蒴果数和含油率逐渐增加,与不施钾相比,分别平均增加15.12%、18.80%、14.15%、23.85%和1.26%;千粒重、产量和油产量在低、高密度下,随钾肥增加而增加,相比不施钾,施钾处理下分别平均增加3.19%、27.50%和29.03%;中密度下,千粒重、产量和油产量先升高后降低,施钾45 kg·hm^(-2)时,分别增加7.46%、23.10%和23.80%,施钾90 kg·hm^(-2)时,分别增加5.25%、19.33%和21.92%;钾肥农学利用率和钾肥偏生产力显著降低,与施钾45 kg·hm^(-2)相比较,施钾90 kg·hm^(-2)时分别平均降低47.55%和49.52%。综上可知,7.5×106株·hm^(-2),45 kg·hm^(-2)(K2O)是适合当地胡麻节肥高效生产的栽培措施。因此,在胡麻的高产栽培中,可通过调节种植密度和施钾量,在获得较高的籽粒产量的同时提高钾素利用率。 To study the effect of different potassium level and planting density on growth, development, and potassium efficiency of oilseed flax and the oilseed flax Longyaza 1 was sown under field condition, with three planting densities (4.5× 106(low density), 7.5 × 106(medium density), and 10.5× 106 plant hm-2(high density)) and three potassium application rates (0, 45 and 90 kg hm-2 ) were applied to investigate the effect of potassium rate and density on morphological characteristics, seed yield, oil yield, and potassium efficiency of oilseed flax. The results showed that plant height, effective branch and effective capsule per plant averaged decrease by 14.24% , 42.90% and 13.10% , respectively. However, technical length with medium and high planting density averaged increase by 10.43%. Moreover, the seed yield and oil yield firstly increased then decreased, seed yield increased by 9.21% and 3.71% and oil yield increased by 9.25% and 3.71% , respectively. The results of the present study revealed that potassium agronomic use efficiency of potassium declined by 26. 12% , partial productivity with density increasing firstly increased by 7.46% and then 1.11%. Plant height, technical length, effective branch, effective capsule per plant and oil content of oilseed flax with potassium increasing gradually under the same density condition increased by 15. 12% , 18.80% , 14. 15%, 23.85% and 1.26%, respectively, compared to the non-potassium rate. Furthermore, the 1000- seed weight, seed yield and oil yield increased with potassium increasing under the low and high density, enhanced by 3.19%, 27.50% and 29.03%, respectively, and firstly improved then reduced with potassium increasing under medium density, increased by 7.46% , 23.10% and 23.80% with 45 kg hm-2, and 5.25% , 19.33% and 21.92% with 90 kg hm-2(K20), respectively. Agronomic use efficiency and partial productivity of potassium decreased significantly, decreased by 47.55% and 49.52% with 90 kg. hm-2(K20) , compared to the treatment of

关 键 词: 胡麻 密度 钾肥 产量 钾肥利用率



机构 韶关学院英东农业科学与工程学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚