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Evaluation on Community Disaster Resilience in a Western Province Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

作  者: (张久瑞); (宁宁); (郝艳华); (吴群红); (孙宏); (崔宇); (庞智洋);

机构地区: 哈尔滨医科大学公共卫生学院,黑龙江150081

出  处: 《中国急救复苏与灾害医学杂志》 2017年第8期715-719,共5页

摘  要: 目的开展我国西部某省的社区抗逆力现状评估,探索强化社区抗逆力建设的可行性路径。方法采用CART量表中文版对省内所辖的7个社区居民开展现状调查,应用模糊综合评判法对数据进行综合分析、评价。结果共收集有效问卷880份,7个社区的综合评分介于43.8~56.36,平均分为50.97,总体处于中等水平;5个一级指标中“亲密程度”得分最高(54.49分)、“拥有的资源”得分最低(48.13分);“灾害管理能力”维度7个社区总体差距最大(14.56分),“社区发展潜力”维度7个社区总体差距最小(10.38分);“本社区居民之间相互帮助”成为抗逆力建设的优势(59.77分),而“本社区拥有解决社区问题的资源”成为抗逆力建设的挑战(46.03分)。结论总体社区抗逆力仍处于中等水平,各社区、各评估维度之间抗逆力建设不均衡,亟需优先提高关键抗逆力短板的培育和建设。 Objective To carry out evaluation on the current status of community resilience in a province located in western China, to explore the feasibility path to strengthen the community disaster resilience. Methods The CART questionnaire was used to investigate the residents in seven communities, and the data was analyzed by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. Results A total of 880 valid questionnaires were collected. The total score of 7 communities ranged from 43.8 to 56.36 with an average score of 50.97 . Among the five first-level indicators, the highest score was "connection and caring " (54.49) and the " Resources" scored the lowest (48.13 points).7 communities had the largest disparity in the Disaster Management Capacity dimension (14;56 points) and with smallest disparity in "transformative potential" dimension (10.38 points).The highest score was associated with the item "people in my community help each other" making this community resilience strength (59.77 points), And the lowest score was associated with the item "the community has the resources to take care of community problems" making this community resilience challenge (46.03 points). Conclusion The overall community resilience is still at a moderate level. There still exist imbalance between different communities and different dimensions. It is urgent to give priority to make up the key weakness to build the community disaster resilience in China.

关 键 词: 社区抗逆力 量表 模糊综合评判法 灾害管理


作者 林在文
作者 马驰
作者 刘得格
作者 郑泽萍
作者 钟宇慧


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 汕头大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚