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Evaluation on Drought Tolerance of Pomelo Resources in Long An Province, Vietnam

作  者: (阮玉河); (林蔚); (杜明富); (何新华);

机构地区: 广西大学农学院,南宁530004 Fruit and Vegetable Research Institute, HaNoi, Vietnam

出  处: 《农业研究与应用》 2017年第4期1-5,共5页

摘  要: 柑橘砧木能够多方面影响嫁接后柑橘品种的生长情况及抗逆性,包括柑橘的品质与产量,植株对环境适应性、接穗生长势等。研究选取越南龙安省的21种野生柚类品种,在设施大棚控水条件下,研究了干旱胁迫下不同柚类品种的生长情况和生理指标变化,并与抗旱砧木品种Carrizo枳橙对比,筛选抗旱能力较强的品种。研究结果表明:干旱条件下,供试21种野生柚类品种的生理指标变化大致相同,淀粉含量转化下降;可溶性糖的总含量、叶片脯氨酸含量升高;树高增长缓慢。筛选出抗旱性较强的Thanh Tra柚、Dong Nai酸柚、Do-2柚和Do-1柚等4个野生品种,可作为抗旱砧木。 Citrus rootstocks can affect the growth and stress resistance of citrus varieties after grafting, including the quality and yield of citrus, the adaptability to the environment,and the growth potential of scion and so on.. In this study,21 wild pomelo resources from Long An province were selected to evaluate drought resistance in greenhouse under water control condition, the growth and physiological indexes of different pomelo resources under drought stress were studied by compared with the Carrizo citrange, and screened drought resistant varieties. Under the drought stress, the changing trend of physiological indexes of 21 wild pomelo resources were similar, the starch content decreased and the total content of soluble sugar increased, leaf proline acid content increased and tree height grew slowly. The results showed that the four wild pomelo resources such as Thanh Tra Pomelo, Dong Nai Pomelo,Do-2 Pomelo and Do-1 Pomelo had stronger drought resistance, and could be used as drought resistance rootstocks.

关 键 词: 抗旱性 评价 越南




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