机构地区: 浙江大学古籍研究所
出 处: 《中华文史论丛》 2017年第3期265-284,共20页
摘 要: 本文主旨是論述宋代帝閣建立的沿革。帝閣所具有的收藏皇帝御制文書、字畫、君主玉牒、宗室屬籍等皇室檔案的功能,以及隨着帝閣學士、直學士、待制、直閣等職名的設置,帝閣從原來管理御書、御制的管理機構,其設置的閣職逐漸成爲文官貼職的主流,轉而兼具雙重功能,從而取代了北宋前期館閣官的雙重職能的地位。之前,學界已有關注三館秘閣官具有館職職事官與兼充貼職的雙重功能的研究,而對帝閣所具有的雙重職能關注尚未及見。本文欲以此試論,期以引起同行對帝閣研究的興趣和重視,從而推進宋代職名演變史的深入探討。 This paper discusses the establishment and development of the emperors'Pavilions(帝閣),and its function of collecting the genealogical record and the record of the imperial clan during the Song academician(學士),the auxiliary academician(直學士),the edict attendant(待制)and the auxiliary of the Pavilions(直閣),the audience steward(閣職)became the mainstream of the civil official nominal supernumerary appointment(文官貼職).Thus,the dual functions of the audience steward began to take effects instead of the dual functions of the officials in the Academies and Institutes(館閣官).