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Liu Guang's Rebellion and Zhaoyi in the Late Tang: A Study on the Evolution of Local Rebellion in the Second Half of the Tang Dynasty

作  者: (仇鹿鸣);

机构地区: 复旦大学历史学系

出  处: 《中华文史论丛》 2017年第3期101-138,396-397,共38页

摘  要: 新近刊佈的《李裔墓誌》爲研究晚唐昭義軍的劉廣之亂提供了重要的新史料。在會昌伐叛成功三十年後,劉廣仍能以劉稹之後的名義號召起事,證明唐廷此前的善後措施並不成功。出土的墓誌材料也表明,李德裕雖然誅殺了劉稹家族及其親信,但無法真正改變昭義軍的結構,正是劉氏統治昭義時期的厚加賞賜造成了昭義軍的"驕兵化"。中晚唐的藩鎮變亂可以畫分爲"政治性反叛"與"經濟性騷亂"兩種類型,前者以割據自立爲政治目標,劉稹之亂便是典型的案例;"經濟性騷亂"發生的頻度在晚唐日漸提高,反映"驕兵化"藩鎮將士自利性的訴求。會昌伐叛成功後,昭義呈現出"經濟性叛亂"頻繁發生的局面,與前期有了顯著的變化。 The newly published Li Yi's epitaph provides an important new historical material for studying the rebellion of Liu Guang in Zhaoyi in the late Tang.After Liu Zhen was killed three decades later Liu Guang was still in the name of Liu Zhen's descendants to incite the rebellion.It proves that the court's rehabilitation measures did not succeed in Hui Chang era.Newly published epitaphs also prove that although Li Deyu destroyed the Liu Zhen family and his cronies,he could not change the structure of the army in Zhaoyi.The rich reward to the army during Liu's reign led to the military domineering.The Local Rebellion in the second half of the Tang Dynasty can be divided into two types:"political rebellion"and"economic riot".Political rebellion was for separation,and Liu Zhen's rebellion was an example.The frequency of"economic riots"increased in the late Tang,reflecting the despotic forces to pursue their own interests.Different from the previous period,economic riots in Zhaoyi occurred frequently after Hui Chang era.

关 键 词: 李裔墓志 昭义 变乱模式


作者 崔世平
作者 徐海容
作者 刘正
作者 姚帅
作者 黄友福


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 暨南大学文学院历史学系


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚