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On the Demand and Value Guidance of Comparative Research on Entrepreneurship Training Program,SIYB and KAB

作  者: (朱亚宾); (吴思蓓);

机构地区: 南京信息工程大学环境科学与工程学院,江苏南京210044

出  处: 《山西青年职业学院学报》 2017年第2期102-104,共3页

摘  要: 创业培训项目SIYB与KAB已经成为中国许多高校开展创业教育的主要选择。快速发展的高校创业实践教育,迫切需要创业培训项目SIYB与KAB比较研究的理论价值指导。从当前SIYB与KAB理论研究的层次与水平看,有价值的成果较少,对于创业实践的指导价值不大;从高校创业实践情况来看,自主创业率和成功率还较低。SIYB与KAB项目不仅在实践层面上未能平行发展,在理论研究方面也没有交叉融合发展。两者比较研究是当前我国高校创业教育的内在要求,这种研究要遵循中国特色和人文情怀的价值导向,以促进我国高校创业教育的内涵式发展。 Start-up training program, SIYB and KAB, have become the main choices for many Chinese universities to conduct entrepreneurship education. The rapid developing practice of entrepreneurship education in universities urgently demands the comparative research on entrepreneurship training program, SIYB and KAB as the theoretical and value guidance. Studying the current levels of theoretical research on SIYB and KAB, we find that only a few valuable achievements showing weak guidance value to entrepreneurial practice. Studying the entrepreneurial practice conducted in universities, we find that self-employment succeeds at a low rate. We realized neither parallel development of SIYB and KAB nor merged development of the programs in theoretical research. The comparative research between the two programs is inner requirement for entrepreneurship education in Chinese universities. When conducting the research, we should follow Chinese features and the value guidance of humanistic feelings, so as to promote connotative development of eritrepreneurship education in universities.

关 键 词: 创业培训 比较研究 价值导向


作者 李玉云
作者 陈健瑜
作者 王德斌
作者 施敏


机构 阳江职业技术学院
机构 广东财经大学
机构 五邑大学
机构 广东石油化工学院
机构 广州南洋理工职业学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚