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On Ethnic Issues in Wang Mang Period from Changes of Place Names

作  者: (邢艺譞); (李建雄);

机构地区: 兰州大学西北少数民族研究中心,甘肃兰州730020

出  处: 《衡阳师范学院学报》 2017年第4期83-86,共4页

摘  要: 王莽代汉之后,对天下郡县的地名称谓进行了普遍的改易。《汉书·地理志》记载了其中多数的改名信息。从涉及民族关系的情况来看:首先可见王莽的民族意识是一种严重的倒退,先秦时期东夷、西戎、南蛮、北狄的华夷观念在此期间借尸还魂,外族人民被视为等而下之的化外族群;其次,在新出地名中他也多用"胡""貉""虏"之类的蔑称来指代非农业文明区域的外族人民,并表达他意图将其挞伐征灭、弹压降服的狂妄期许;另外,民族地区、边境地区的更名案例彰显了他尊显王权、趋吉厌胜等各方面的施政意图。总体来看,王莽的地名改易最终导致了新王朝四面树敌的境况,对当时的民族关系有破坏无建设,应该被全盘否定。 After took his regime, Wang Mang carried out general changes about the place names of all the counties all over the country. The Hanshu ~ Annals of Geography recorded the mostly renamed information. From the situation involved national relationship, first, we can see that Wang Mang's national consciousness is a serious retrogression. China Yi concept of East Yi, and West Rong, South man and North di in pre-Qin period revived in a new guise during this period. The foreign people were considered sink even lower of naturalized group, second, in the new place names, he also more used the disparaging names, such as "Hu", "He", "Lu" to refer to the foreign people of non-agricultural regions, and expressed his intention of arrogance expectations and in addition, the renamesd cases in the national area and border area demonstrated his political intention of his respect for royalty and value for fengshui. All in all, Wang Mang's changes of place names eventually led to the situation that the new dynasty is surrounded by the enemies, and his doing destructed not constructed the ethnic relations and should be rejected.

关 键 词: 王莽 讬古改制 地理志 民族关系


作者 丁邦友
作者 张雪芸
作者 田兵权
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机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广州大学人文学院
机构 香港中文大学


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作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
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