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Integration of Urban “Community Social Needs”:Analysis of Reconstructing Community Publicness

作  者: (李怀); (武艳楠);

机构地区: 西北师范大学社会发展与公共管理学院,甘肃兰州730070

出  处: 《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第4期44-53,共10页

摘  要: 社区异质性、社区公共性与社区整合之间的关系问题,是本文关于城市社区有效治理的中心命题。文章通过实地调查,分析了城市社区异质性增长和社区公共性衰减现象,回答了以重建社区公共性来促进社区社会需求整合、构建社区有效治理的方向与可能。研究结论认为,市场化、城市化和"单位制"衰微是城市社区异质性增长与社区公共性衰减的三个重要机制。社区异质性在宏观上呈现为社区社会结构的差异、在微观上呈现为社区社会需求的差别。同时,社区异质性弱化了社区公共性,使社区呈现出明显的"原子化"和"隔离化"状态,威胁了社区整合。因此,重建社区公共性是整合差别化社区社会需求、防止社区"原子化"和"隔离化"状态的关键。重建社区公共性意指建设社区多元主体或社区居民的地域"社会生活共同体"的共识和认同感,社区公共性是一个社区中多元主体共生共处的公共价值,是参与社区治理的多元主体相互承认彼此间差异并能一致行动的合法性基础,是对社区居民具有一定规范性和约束性的公共规则,也是城市基层党组织和基层政府动员不同主体参与社区建设的内生动力。文章从公共价值、公共规则、公共空间、公共参与和公共服务的维度讨论了重建城市社区公共性的出路。 The relationship of community' s heterogeneity, publicness and integration is the central issue of this article about urban community governance. Through field investigation, this paper analyzes the increase of heterogeneity and the decrease of publicness in present urban communities, and explores the possibilities of promoting the community social needs integration and constructing effective community governance through reconstructing community publicness. It concludes that marketization, urbanization and the decline of "the danwei system" are three important mechanisms leading to the increase of heterogeneity and the de- crease of publicness. The heterogeneity results in the difference of community social structures, causing dif- ferent community social needs. Meanwhile, community heterogeneity weakens the publicness, causing the communities to be in apparent "atomization" and "isolation", which threatens community integration. There- fore, reconstruction of community publicness is the key to integrating differentiated community social needs and prevent "atomization" and "isolation". It also means constructing the common sense and identity of the diverse community subjects or residents for the "community of social life" of the place where they live. It is a public value of community in which diverse subjects co-live and co-exist, a legal condition that diverse subjects participating in community governance accept the difference and act in concert, a normative and binding public rule for community residents, and an interior force for the primary CPC party organizations and governments to mobilize various subjects to participate in the construction and realize effective commu- nity governance. This paper discusses the ways to the construction of urban community publicness in terms of public value, public rules, public space, public participation and public service.

关 键 词: 城市社区 社会需求 社区整合 社区异质性 社区公共性


作者 罗诞铖
作者 向静
作者 任克
作者 周莉
作者 王凌娟


机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学
机构 华南理工大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚