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Social News: the Power of Chinese Social Unconsciousness: a Review on the Social News Offered by Modern Chinese Journalism

作  者: (胡雪莲);

机构地区: 中山大学马克思主义学院,广东广州510275

出  处: 《学术研究》 2017年第8期120-127,共8页

摘  要: 尽管社会新闻在民国成立后成为多数报刊成功吸引读者的撒手锏,但因它不符合梁启超以来的报业论说者有关报纸应当承担天职的期待,在中国新闻史研究中长期不被占据主流地位的革新模式接纳为专门研究对象。在反思革新模式之弊端、提出新闻社会史研究视角的背景下,社会新闻作为研究对象的"非革新"、"无意识"缺点变成了优势,可能成为中国新闻史研究矫正疏离中国社会历史之弊端、深入中国社会空间结构与时间脉络的突破点之一。如果说,革新模式的新闻史研究揭示了报刊在"自觉"状态下力求引导社会改变的一面,那么,社会新闻研究可望揭示报刊在"无意识"状态下不求改变的另一面。 Although social news had become to be most newspapers' specialty to attract readers since the establishment of the Republic China, it has not been viewed as one of the major research objects for the research on modern Chinese journalism, which has long been dominated by the innovation paradigm that follows Liang Qichao's norm that only those being responsible for the duty of supervision for government and guidance for society should be categorized as modern newspaper and be worthy of research. But from the view point of social historical journalism research which is put forward recently following the criticism on innovation paradigm, social news' s disadvantages to be non-innovative and unconscious should turn to be advantages for research. Social news is probably the most well organized text that helps the research on modern Chinese journalism to observe Chinese social structure from inner side rather than outer side where the innovation paradigm used to be from. If it is true to say that the innovation paradigm has successfully revealed the conscious power of newspaper to generate the change in Chinese society, it is also true to say that the research on social news might reveal the unconscious power of newspaper to keep the tradition going on.

关 键 词: 中国新闻史 社会新闻 社会意识


作者 沈凡
作者 周瑞琴
作者 郑琳琳
作者 张萱
作者 蔡艳


机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚