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Study on the Artificial Propagation of Ptychobarbus dipogon

作  者: (王万良); (张忭忭); (王建银); (周建设); (曾本和); (张驰); (牟振波);

机构地区: 西藏自治区农牧科学院水产科学研究所,西藏拉萨850032

出  处: 《安徽农业科学》 2017年第24期105-107,共3页

摘  要: [目的]探讨双须叶须鱼人工繁殖技术。[方法]试验采用2次胸鳍基部注射法,开展双须叶须鱼人工繁殖及鱼苗培育技术研究。[结果]第1针注射剂量为LRH-A24μg/kg、PG 2 mg/kg,间隔48 h注射第2针,剂量为LRH-A210μg/kg、PG 6 mg/kg,催产率可达86.7%;利用人工干法授精方式,2批次共获得受精卵149 288粒,平均受精率为80.1%;在水温12~13℃条件下,经过微流水孵化,共获得初孵仔鱼120 327尾;在水泥池经过30 d培育,获得平均体长为(1.95±0.24)cm以上鱼苗80 138尾,鱼苗成活率可达66.5%。[结论]研究结果可为雅鲁藏布江中游渔业资源保护与利用和开展增殖放流提供参考。 [ Objective ] To discuss the artificial propagation techniques of Ptychobarbus dipogon. [ Method] Using twice pectoral fin base injection method ,the artificial propagation and fry rearing technique research of P. dipogon was conducted. [ Result] The first injection dose was LRH-A2 4 Izg/kg ± PG 2 mg/kg. After 48 h, the second needle was injected with LRH-A2 10 ixg/kg ± PG 6 mg/kg, the ovulation rate reached 86.7%. Using artificial dry method of insemination, 149 288 fertilized eggs were obtained , the average fertilization rate was 80.1%. Under the conditions of water temperature of 12 - 13℃, 120 327 larvae were obtained by microfluidization, after 30 d cultivation in the cement pool, 80 138 fries with the average body length of more than ( 1.95 ± 0.24) cm were obtained, the fry survival rate was up to 66.5%. [ Conclusion ] The research results can provide references for the protection and utilization of fisheries resources and their enhancement and releasing in middle reaches of Yalutsangpo River.

关 键 词: 双须叶须鱼 人工繁殖 催产率 受精率 孵化率


作者 胡源


机构 中山大学生命科学学院生物系


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