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The Effects of Differences in Income among All Age Groups of Women on Establishing an Equal Retirement Age for Men and Women

作  者: (岳经纶);

机构地区: 中山大学中国公共管理研究中心/政治与公共事务管理学院

出  处: 《社会保障评论》 2017年第3期43-56,共14页

摘  要: 延长退休年龄是近期的社会热点问题,虽然改革方向已经确定,但存在巨大争议。目前,女性按照干部和工人不同分为两种退休年龄,但均低于男性。社会上存在延长女性退休年龄,与男性拉平的呼声。国家已出台政策,把机关事业单位县处级女干部和具有高级职称的女性专业技术人员退休年龄延长至60岁。同时,社会上也存在反对拉平男女退休年龄的声音。为什么存在这种分歧?拉平男女退休年龄是对女性的保护吗?为什么是处级女干部和高级专业技术人员率先拉平了男女退休年龄?本文利用2012年某市企业薪酬调查数据,从不同群体在职各年龄段收入变化情况对上述问题进行分析。研究发现,企业中担任管理和专业技术职务的女性、高学历女性,随年龄增长收入增长较快,而普通工人和低学历女性,随年龄增长收入基本没有增长,不同群体女性各年龄段收入变化差异对拉平男女退休年龄问题有重要的影响。在制定延长退休年龄的社会政策时,特别是在拉平男女退休年龄时,应在充分的理论和实证研究基础上,对此问题进行认真的考量。 Increasing the retirement age has become a hot policy issue recently in China. Though the direction of this policy reform has been confirmed, it is still a controversial policy issue. Currently, female cadres and blue-collar workers in terms of the retirement age are divided into two different groups, and their retirement ages are lower than that of men. There has been a long-time requirement of making the retirement age of women and men equal. Recently, the government has made a policy to extend the retirement age of female cadres with a position at or above the department head level or with a senior professional certificate to the age of 60. On the other hand, there is also a voice to maintain the different retirement age for men and women. This situation has led to a wide range of questions: for instance, why are there divided opinions on the retirement age of men and women, whether leveling the retirement age for men and women is a kind of protection for women? and why is there a preferential treatment for female cadres at and above the department head level and those with senior professional qualifications? This paper, making use of the survey data on salaries in one industry in a city in 2012, tries to answer these questions based on the analysis of the changes in incomes among different groups of women of all ages. Results show, for women with higher educational degrees and those engaging in managerial or professional positions, their incomes increase as they are getting older. Meanwhile, for blue-collar female workers and females with lower degrees, their incomes decrease with increasing age. All these indicate that the income changes among different groups of women of all ages have a significant impact on leveling the retirement age for both genders. In view of this, it is important to take the above findings into consideration when formulating the social policy of increasing the retirement age, especially regarding leveling the retirement age for men and women.

关 键 词: 退休 性别 收入 年龄


作者 黄广智
作者 刘艳秋
作者 赵劲松
作者 周日华
作者 曾拓


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 香港中文大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚