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On Materialism,Face Consciousness and Life Satisfaction in College Students of Naxi Ethnic Minority

作  者: (陈勇杰); (和煦);

机构地区: 中南民族大学教育学院

出  处: 《民族高等教育研究》 2017年第4期81-87,共7页

摘  要: 物质主义和面子意识都会负向影响生活满意度,但以往研究较少在少数民族群体中考察物质主义的三个具体维度(即物质中心、物质成功和物质幸福)对生活满意度的预测效应,也较少考察面子意识在物质主义与生活满意度之间的中介效应。为此,本研究在207名来自云南丽江的纳西族大学生中考察了物质主义、面子意识与生活满意度间的关系。结果发现:第一,物质主义、面子意识与生活满意度呈负相关;第二,在物质主义三个子维度中,物质成功、物质幸福与生活满意度呈负相关,而物质中心与生活满意度无关;物质中心、物质成功、物质幸福都与面子意识呈正相关;第三,面子意识在物质成功与生活满意度间起完全中介作用,在物质幸福与生活满意度间起部分中介作用。这些结果表明,在物质主义三个子维度中,物质成功和物质幸福会损害生活满意度,降低面子意识则有利于削减物质主义对生活满意度的消极影响。 Both materialism and face consciousness negatively affect life satisfaction. Seldom research investigated the effects of the three dimensions of materialism(i.e. centrality,success and happiness)on life satisfaction,as well as examined the mediating role of face consciousness in materialism and life satisfaction. 207 college students of Naxi ethnic minority from Lijiang in Yunnan province finished questionnaires of materialism,face consciousness and life satisfaction. Results showed as follows:(1)Both materialism and face consciousness were negatively correlated with life satisfaction.(2)In the three dimensions of materialism,both success and happiness were negatively correlated with life satisfaction,but centrality was not correlated with life satisfaction;centrality,success and happiness were all correlated with face consciousness.(3)Face consciousness fully mediated the relation of success and life satisfaction,and partially mediated the relation of happiness and life satisfaction. These results suggest that success and happiness will hamper life satisfaction,and face consciousness could explain the negative effects of materialism on life satisfaction.

关 键 词: 纳西族大学生 物质主义 面子意识 生活满意度


作者 谢书书
作者 许浩川
作者 陶惠斯
作者 刘占鲁
作者 刘博群


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚