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Study on accessible service status and its influencing factors of vaccination clinics at township level in Fujian

作  者: (周勇); (倪倩钰); (林岩); (潘伟毅); (蔡志坤); (张山鹰);

机构地区: 福建省疾病预防控制中心

出  处: 《海峡预防医学杂志》 2017年第4期13-15,共3页

摘  要: 目的了解福建省乡级接种门诊服务能力,调查接种率,改善规范环境下可及性乡接种门诊服务质量。方法对全省所有乡级接种门诊服务能力进行普查及LQAS法接种率调查,用SPSS 18.0软件统计分析。结果全省1 114家接种门诊专职接种人员平均2.7人,有36%接种门诊的接种人员配置不足。除麻风疫苗和乙肝疫苗及时接种、大年龄组加强免疫剂次外,其余各疫苗以乡为单位接种率≥90%的乡镇数占比均≥95%。多元逐步回归分析显示,常住人口和流动儿童数多、专职接种人员少、门诊面积不达标、接种室未配备空调是漏种的危险因素;服务半径大、专职接种人员少、补助加班费低、门诊面积不达标和接种室未配备空调是不及时接种的危险因素。结论目前规范环境下福建省接种服务可及性良好。强化门诊服务建设是提高乡级接种门诊服务可及性的核心,提高接种人员主观能动性是可及性乡级接种门诊服务的建设重点。 Objective To study the capability of accessible vaccination service at township level and investigate the vaccination coverages for improving the service quality of the vaccination clinics.Methods A general investigation on the service capability of all vaccination clinicls at township level in Fujian was carried out,the vaccination coverages were investigated by LQAS method and the data was analyzed by SPSS package v18.0.Results For 1 114 vaccination clinics in Fujian,mean number of full-time vaccination staffs was 2.7,and 36%clinics which the staff numbers do not meet the service requirement.Except timely vaccination for MR and hepatitis B and booster vaccination for the older age group,the percentages for the towns which there were high immunization coverage(≥90%)were more than95%.The main influencing factors for missing inoculation were more numbers of resident population and floating population,less numbers for full-time vaccinators,less area of the clinic and no air conditioner equipping.The main influencing factors for untimely inoculation were more radius for the service,less numbers for full-time vaccinators,less subsidies for overtime service,less area of the clinic and no air conditioner equipping.Conclusion Under current circumstances,there are good accessibility of vaccination service in Fujian.The core of strengthening accessibility of clinic service at township level is improving clinic construction.Enhancing the conscious activity of vaccinators is the construction emphasis for accessible vaccination clinic service.

关 键 词: 预防接种 门诊服务 免疫规划 可及性


作者 俞昊
作者 傅远泓
作者 叶青
作者 吴红岩


机构 广东财经大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学东方语言文化学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院
机构 韶关学院法学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚