作 者: (刘春丽);
机构地区: 南京师范大学法学院,江苏南京210023
出 处: 《辽宁警察学院学报》 2017年第5期18-23,共6页
摘 要: 在《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(九)》(以下简称为"刑法修正案(九)")对终身监禁的明文规定既成事实,实务中已存在适用该规定案件的前提下,其准确的适用路径,成为刑法学界研究的重点。运用案例分析法并结合相关刑事规定即可明确,终身监禁积极的适用条件与标准,以及排除适用的情形。对相关刑罚结构进行体系性分析可知,终身监禁的合理性补足之后,作为死刑的执行方式,其适用对象仅限于重大的贪污罪与受贿罪。死刑废除后,其将成为无期徒刑新的执行方式。 Under the premise that life imprisonment has been enshrined in The Ninth Amendment ofCriminal Law,especially in the circumstance that the provisions have existed in the judicial practice.Theaccurate suitable path has become the research focus of the criminal law educational word.The positiveapplicable conditions and standards of life imprisonment can be cleared and the inapplicablecircumstances can be eliminated through using the case method and combining with the provisions of thelegislation and judicial interpretation.On the basic of systemic analysis of the criminal law construction,after its rationality supplemented,we can find that life imprisonment is one implement way of deathpenalty whose applicable object is only limited to a major corruption and bribery.Besides,lifeimprisonment will become one new performing way after the death penalty is abolished.