机构地区: 61206部队
出 处: 《测绘通报》 2017年第S1期8-10,共3页
摘 要: 多旋翼无人机系统总体稳定可靠,具有飞行准备时间短、形成作业实力快、需要作业人员少、易于维护保养、成果多样等优点。在多旋翼无人机的实飞过程中,会遇到一些常见的问题和故障,本文针对这些问题提出了合适的解决方法,以便多旋翼无人机能够更好地完成飞行作业。 Multi-rotor UVA's system is stable. It has the advantages of few time for preparation,easy for work,few players,easy to maintenance and repair and diverse results. During UVA's flying time,there will be some normal problems. This paper focuses on the methods of dealing with these problems,in order to make UVA doing the work better.