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Analysis of the Development of the m-Health APP in China

作  者: (宋雅云); (蔡毅);

机构地区: 武汉大学健康学院,武汉市430071

出  处: 《中国卫生信息管理杂志》 2017年第4期557-560,564,共5页

摘  要: 目的通过对中国健康医疗手机应用程序(Application,App)种类、模块设计、功能、服务人群、开发者等的梳理与分析,总结中国移动健康App发展现状,并提供政策性建议。方法以"健康"、"医疗"、"病"等为关键词,分别在IOS和安卓系统搜索健康医疗类App,逐个下载、试用,并做描述性统计。结果三甲医院中,有对应App服务终端的占16.74%,东部地区三甲医院中,已开发App的占22.26%,高于中、西部地区。三甲医院App主要功能是预约挂号。基于社区卫生服务的移动健康App有7个,其中2个功能较完善,包括预约挂号、慢性病管理、居家养老服务等。第三方App以养生、保健、中医相关信息推送为主,内容缺乏专业性和准确性,在线诊疗过程缺乏安全监管。结论我国移动健康App在区域和机构间发展不平衡,功能单一,缺乏安全监管,建议政府加大市场准入和监管机制的政策出台。 Objective This study aimed to analyze the development of m-Health Applications(App) in China, including the classification, designers, functions, and users, and to summarize the achievements and challenges to propose policy recommendations for the development to the Chinese government. Methods Key words including "health", "medicine", "disease" were used to search Apps in IOS and Android smart phone systems. Those related to health care were downloaded and classified into Hospital Apps and Community Apps. Descriptive analysis was used. Results There were 16.74% top hospitals having Apps. The highest proportion of hospitals with Apps is in the eastern region(22.26%). The main function of hospital Apps was to make a visit appointment. There were 7 Apps aiming to deliver community health services, two of which had comprehensive functions including making a visit appointment, chronic disease management and so on. Apps designed by a third party focused on delivering information of health maintenance, health care, and traditional Chinese medicine. Contents of the information lacked professions and accuracy. The process to use were proven unsafe through a pilot use. Conclusion China's m-health development was unequal among regions and health facilities. The functions of Apps were simple. The safety by using Apps was an issue, which needed to be concerned.

关 键 词: 移动医疗 应用程序 健康信息管理


作者 曾昭婷
作者 李文舒
作者 陈金梅
作者 尚巍然


机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东海洋大学图书馆
机构 深圳大学
机构 深圳大学传播学院


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作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚