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Design and Construction of a Deep Excavation Support under the High PlateauEnvironment

作  者: (陈景河);

机构地区: 中赟国际工程股份有限公司,郑州450007

出  处: 《土工基础》 2017年第4期387-389,396,共4页

摘  要: 青海高原某深基坑工程实践中,采用放坡、土钉墙、桩锚联合支护方案进行基坑支护。由于含水层为巨厚砂层,渗透系数大,地下水位较高,为防止基坑产生流砂等,切实作好地下水的治理工作是本基坑工程成败与否的关键。在综合比较了截水、降水、集水明排的经济和技术可行性后,确定采用管井降水方案。采用简化基坑形状,按大井法均质含水层非完整井公式进行基坑涌水量计算,对降水施工出现的问题给出了应对措施。最后对该支护降水设计施工要点进行了总结。 This paper presents a case history of a deep excavation supporting system that had the combination of sloped ground,soil nailing and soldier pile and lagging wall in Qinghai High Plateau.The groundwater level control was critical to the success of this project due to the excessively large thickness of the layer layers which has a high groundwater level,large permeability and high potential of occurring of quick sand during the construction.Methods that are feasible for the sealing,collecting water and dewatering were compared and the point well method was selected for this project.The design and construction aspects of the point well techniques are introduced in the paper.

关 键 词: 高原环境 巨厚砂层 基坑 安全施工注意事项




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