作 者: (侯天凤);
机构地区: 铜仁学院,贵州铜仁554300
出 处: 《无线互联科技》 2017年第18期143-144,共2页
摘 要: 随着我国汽车领域的不断发展,小轿车已经成为人们生活中不可或缺的出行工具,而伴随着汽车的不断普及,汽车安全也成了民众日益关心的课题。在汽车中都会设有差速器,差速器的作用是对汽车动力进行分配,当汽车的某个车轮出现打滑时,差速器会将动力分配到打滑车轮当中,使车辆不能动弹,甚至会朝不可预计的方向滑动,从而给车内人员的生命安全带来损害。因此,为了克服汽车现有技术中存在的缺点,文章提出了利用直流电机来实现单边拉紧装置及动力分配的措施,希望能为汽车安全性能的提高贡献微薄之力。 With the continuous development of Chinaese automobile industry, the car has become an indispensable tool for people to travel in life, and with the popularity of cars, car safety has become the concern of people increasingly. In the car will be equipped with differential, differential role is to distribute the vehicle power, when a wheel slip occurs when the differential will distributes power to the slipping wheel, the vehicle can not move, even in unpredictable sliding direction, resulting in damage to the personnel inside the vehicle life safety. Therefore, in order to overcome the existing automobile drawbacks in existing techniques, we propose to implement unilateral tension device and the power distribution of the measures of using DC motor, to improve vehicle safety performance and contribution.