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Reflection on the Current IP Film Hot Issue

作  者: (洪文静);

机构地区: 山东师范大学传媒学院,济南250014

出  处: 《山东青年政治学院学报》 2017年第4期103-110,共8页

摘  要: 近年来IP电影热已经成为电影圈的流行趋势。IP概念是在互联网环境下发酵而来的。目前电影市场存在多种多样的IP电影,形成多重的美学现象。IP在大众消费的需求下应运而生,IP电影热成为电影投资、制作、产业发行的必然产物,IP电影热的兴起是一个转机,我们在取得成绩的同时依然有很多需要改进的地方,因此我们可以充分把握好这个机会,多借鉴好莱坞电影,注重电影供给侧改革,将重心转移到专业化电影上来,以创作优质影片为目的,而不仅仅是制作纯碎的视觉冲击,更是要制作出心灵感应和精神感化的优质影片。 In recent years,the phenomenon IP film has become a popular trend. IP conception Is rooted from the Internet environment,and there are a variety of IP film in the film market,which forms multiple aesthetic phenomenon. IP arises at the historic moment under the mass consumer demand,its upsurge is the inevitable outcome of the film investment,production and industrial distribution. And it also brings a turning point,some good results have been obtained while there are still a lot of room for improvement,so we can fully grasp the good opportunity,much to learn from Hollywood films,pay attention to the film supply side reform,shifting to professional film so as to create high-quality films not only for the purpose of making pure broken visual impact,but also make the psychic and spiritual influence of high-quality films.

关 键 词: 电影 多重美学现象 供给侧改革策略


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