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Analysis on Hospitalization Expenses and Its Influencing Factors of Inpatients with Diabetes Mellitus of a First-Class Hospital in Urumqi City

作  者: (田锐); (苏银霞); (杨林); (魏君); (姚华);

机构地区: 新疆医科大学公共卫生学院,乌鲁木齐830000

出  处: 《医学与社会》 2017年第9期43-45,共3页

摘  要: 目的:分析乌鲁木齐市某三甲医院2013-2015年糖尿病住院患者各项费用,探讨住院费用的主要影响因素,以期为控制住院费用提供参考依据。方法:采用整群抽样法抽取乌鲁木齐市某三甲医院6258例糖尿病住院患者,收集其基本资料,采用描述性统计和单因素分析、多重线性回归分析分析影响糖尿病患者住院费用的相关因素。结果:不同年龄、民族、医保类型、职业状态以及住院天数的患者其住院费用差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05);多重线性回归分析得出,年龄、性别、民族、是否伴随并发症、住院天数、手术与否是影响糖尿病患者住院总费用的主要因素。结论:糖尿病患者及住院费用逐年增加,由于生活习惯因素,维吾尔族等其他少数民族患者住院费用高于汉族和回族;不同并发症患者的住院费用也不同。因此,加强糖尿病知识的宣传教育、针对少数民族膳食特点进行指导和干预、积极预防糖尿病及其合并症的发生、在不降低治疗效果的前提下合理减少药品费和检查化验费、适当减少住院天数,是降低糖尿病患者住院费用的有效措施。 Objective: To analyze the hospitalization costs of diabetes mellitus in a 3A hospitals in Urumqi from 2013 to 2015, and discusses the main influencing factors of hospitalization expenses in order to provide reference for controlling the cost of hospitalization of diabetes mellitus. Methods: A total of 6258 cases of diabetes mellitus were selected by cluster sampling. Their basic information was collected. Descriptive statistics and single factor multiple linear regression were used to analyze the factors affecting hospitalization expenses of diabetic patients. Results: The differences in the characteristics of ethnicity, age, type of health care, type of personnel and length of hospital stay were statistically significant(A1 P〈0.05). Multivariate regression analysis of hospitalization costs showed that gender, age, stay length in hospital, presence or absence of complications, and whether or not surgery were the factors influencing hospitalization costs. Conclusion: Diabetes patients and their hospitalization costs are increasing year by year. These are useful measures to reduce the cost of hospitalization for diabetes patients including strengthening the knowledge, guiding and interfering in the diet of ethnic minorities, actively preventing the occurrence of diabetes and its complications, reducing drug costs and laboratory examination fees reasonably and reducing the length of hospital stay appropriately without reducing treatment effectiveness.

关 键 词: 糖尿病 患者 住院费用 少数民族


作者 沈茂金
作者 叶朝晖
作者 张佩如
作者 吴剑明
作者 陈景岗


机构 暨南大学
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 韶关学院
机构 中山大学
机构 韶关学院体育学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚