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Zhu Guangqian's View of Physical Education and Its Enlightenments

作  者: (薛岚); (金赛英); (姜哲挺); (李启迪);

机构地区: 浙江师范大学体育与健康科学学院.浙江金华321004

出  处: 《北京体育大学学报》 2017年第8期70-75,共6页

摘  要: 朱光潜的体育教育观散见于对其教育观的研究中。这些观点至今仍对我国学校体育的改革与发展具有重要借鉴与启示价值。运用文献资料、历史分析等方法对朱光潜的体育教育观进行了系统地梳理与总结。结果认为,朱光潜体育教育观主要表现为6个方面:强调"全人教育"必需重视体育;倡导通过体育运动改变社会风气;反对选手体育,提倡普及体育;提倡终身体育;注重体育与卫生、优生、保健相结合;重视体育对心理健康的重要促进作用。对当下我国学校体育改革与发展的启示是:有助于凸显学校体育对培养学生完善人格的独特价值;有助于做好学校体育的普及工作;有助于学生终身体育意识与行为的培养;有助于处理好学校体育与卫生、保健等工作关系,以期为改进与完善当前我国学校体育工作提供借鉴与参考。 Zhu Guangqian's view of physical education is scattered in his education studies,and is valuable for the development of school physical education in China. This research systematically reviewed Zhu's view of physical education by the methods of literature review and historical analysis. The result suggested that Zhu's view of physical education is in six main aspects: 1) emphasize that holistic education must pay attention to physical education; 2) advocate changing social attitudes by sport; 3) prefer mass sports rather than elite sports; 4) advocate lifelong sport;5) pay attention to the combination of physical education and health care,eugenics; 6) pay attention to the promotion effect of physical education on mental health. Zhu's view provides the following entertainments to the development of physical education in China: 1) help to highlight the value of school physical education to cultivate students' personality; 2) help the popularization of school physical education; 3) help to cultivate students' lifelong sports consiousness and behavior; 4) help to deal with relationship between school physical educaiton and health care.This study hoped to provide references for the improvement of current school physical education.

关 键 词: 朱光潜 体育教育观 学校教育 体育思想 全人教育 终身体育 民族体格 心理健康


作者 肖伟君
作者 韩印华
作者 杨乃彤
作者 黄爱平
作者 李思涯


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广州体育学院
机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 华南理工大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚