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Clinical study on rubbing therapy with Qingpeng( 青鹏) ointment for treatment of old ankle sprain

作  者: (向澍); (顾健华);

机构地区: 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院卢湾分院,上海200020

出  处: 《中医正骨》 2017年第8期33-35,共3页

摘  要: 目的:探讨青鹏软膏膏摩法治疗陈旧性踝关节扭伤的临床疗效。方法:陈旧性踝关节扭伤患者82例,随机分为膏摩组和消痛贴膏结合功能锻炼组,每组41例。膏摩组采用青鹏软膏膏摩治疗,每周2次,4周为1个疗程。消痛贴膏结合功能锻炼组采用消痛贴膏结合功能锻炼治疗,消痛贴膏每日更换1次,功能锻炼每日1次,4周为1个疗程。分别于治疗前和治疗结束后依据Baird-Jackson踝关节评分标准评价踝关节情况,并做2组间对比。结果:治疗前2组患者Baird-Jackson踝关节评分比较,组间差异无统计学意义[(67.62±9.39)分,(68.65±13.97)分;t=-1.284,P=0.203];治疗结束后,2组患者Baird-Jackson踝关节评分均较治疗前提高[(89.02±10.20)分,(67.62±9.39)分,t=-9.972,P=0.000;(81.24±13.73)分,(68.65±13.97)分;t=-3.680,P=0.000],且膏摩组踝关节评分高于消痛贴膏结合功能锻炼组[(89.02±10.20)分,(81.24±13.73)分;t=2.913,P=0.005]。结论:采用青鹏软膏膏摩法治疗陈旧性踝关节扭伤,可有效缓解疼痛、改善踝关节功能,且疗效优于消痛贴膏结合功能锻炼。 Objective :To explore the clinical curative effects of rubbing therapy with Qingpeng(青鹏, QP) ointment for treatment of old ankle sprain. Methods : Eighty-two patients with old ankle sprain were randomly divided into ointment rubbing group and combination of Xi- aotong strapping and functional exercises group ,41 cases in each group. The patients in ointment rubbing group were treated with rubbing therapy with QP ointment,twice a week for 1 course of treatment,4 weeks for each course;while the patients in combination of Xiaotong strapping and functional exercises group were treated with Xiaotong strapping combined with functional exercises for 1 course of treatment, 4 weeks for each course. The Xiaotong strappings were changed once a day and the functional exercises were performed once a day. The con- dition of ankle joints was evaluated according to Baird - Jackson ankle joint scoring standard and compared between the 2 groups before treatment and after the end of the treatment respectively. Results : There was no statistical difference in Baird - Jackson ankle joint scores between the 2 groups before treatment(67.62 +/- 9.39 vs 68.65 +/- 13.97 points, t = - 1. 284, P = 0. 203 ). The Baird - Jackson ankle joint scores increased in the 2 groups after the end of the treatment ( 89.02 +/- 10.20 vs 67.62 +/- 9.39 points, t = - 9. 972, P = 0.000 ; 81.24 +/- 13.73 vs 68.65 +/- 13.97 points, t = - 3. 680, P = 0. 000), and the ankle joint scores were higher in ointment rubbing group compared to combination of Xiaotong strapping and functional exercises group( 89.02 +/- 10.20 vs 81.24 +/- 13.73 points ,t = 2. 913 ,P = 0. 005 ). Conclusion : The rubbing therapy with QP ointment can effectively relieve pain and improve ankle function in treatment of old an- kle sprain, and its curative effect is better than that of Xiaotong strapping combined with functional exercises.

关 键 词: 扭伤和劳损 踝关节 摩擦疗法 膏药疗法


作者 赖方亮
作者 杜高山
作者 魏春琴
作者 张秀丽


机构 华南师范大学
机构 北京理工大学珠海学院
机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 广州体育学院
机构 广州体育职业技术学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚