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Blomia tropicalis is found in a flour warehouse of a food factory in a civil aviation airport

作  者: (陶宁); (王少圣); (杨艳峰); (周勇); (李朝品);

机构地区: 皖南医学院医学寄生虫学教研室,芜湖241002

出  处: 《中国血吸虫病防治杂志》 2017年第4期496-497,501,共3页

摘  要: 目的调查某民航机场食品厂面粉库有无热带无爪螨孳生,观察热带无爪螨的形态结构特征。方法采集该机场食品厂面粉库的面粉样本,用直接镜检法分离其中孳生的热带无爪螨,并制作玻片标本,于光学显微镜下观察鉴定。结果于采集的面粉样本中发现了热带无爪螨雌成螨,镜下可见该螨近似球形,无背板,足无爪。表皮内突Ⅰ发达,于中线处相连。生殖孔位于足Ⅲ~Ⅳ水平,被一对斜生的生殖褶覆盖。足Ⅲ、Ⅳ无感棒。交配囊呈长而稍弯并逐渐变细的管状结构,伸出螨体末端。结论某民航食品厂面粉库厂中发现了热带无爪螨,该螨主要鉴别特征为无背板,足无栉齿状亚跗鳞片和爪;足Ⅰ膝节仅有1根感棒,且足Ⅲ、Ⅳ无感棒。 Objective To investigate whether there is Blomia tropicalis breeding in the flour warehouse of food factory in a civil aviation airport,and,if there is,to observe the morphological structure of the mite. Methods The flour samples were col-lected from the flour warehouse of food factory in a civil aviation airport. The breeding mites were isolated from the samples by di-rect microscopy and made into specimens to observe with a light microscope. Results Female Blomia tropicalis was found in the collected flour samples. Under the microscope,the mite was nearly spherical,and it had no tergum and claw. Its apodemeⅠwas developed and connected in the midline. The reproductive hole was located between the foot Ⅲand IV level and was cov-ered with a pair of oblique genital folds. The footⅢandⅣhad no solenoids. The copulatory pouch was a long,slightly curved tube,extending from the end of the mite. Conclusions Blomia tropicalis has been found in the flour warehouse of a food factory in the civil aviation airport. The main distinguishing feature of this mite is that it has no tergum,its feet have no pectinate inferi-or tarsus scales or claw,the feetⅠgenu has only one solenidia,and feetⅢandⅣhave no solenidias.

关 键 词: 热带无爪螨 形态特征 分离 鉴定 面粉库


作者 季美
作者 王剑雨
作者 赵书虹


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 云南大学工商管理与旅游管理学院
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚