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Gohieria fuscus breeding heavily in grand dust flour of a flourmill

作  者: (柴强); (郭娇娇); (王少圣); (李朝品);

机构地区: 皖南医学院医学寄生虫学教研室,芜湖241002

出  处: 《中国血吸虫病防治杂志》 2017年第4期494-495,共2页

摘  要: 目的调查某面粉厂地脚粉中棕脊足螨的孳生数量和平均孳生密度,并探讨其防治方法。方法从某面粉厂采集地脚粉若干,称量一定量的地脚粉,用分样筛筛除,将筛内地脚粉放入玻璃平皿内,在光镜下挑螨,并制成玻片,然后参照以往文献进行螨种鉴定。结果本次调查共采集4个生境地脚粉共400 g,平均孳生密度为3 516只/g。经鉴定该螨为棕脊足螨。结论棕脊足螨是分布广泛的储藏物螨类之一。不仅影响储藏物的保存及其质量,且该螨影响人类健康,因此需要采取防治措施。 Objective To investigate the breeding quantity and average breeding density of Gohieria fuscus in the grand dust flour of a flourmill and explore the prevention and control measures. Methods A certain amount of grand dust flour was collect-ed from a flourmill,and it was sieved. The powder was placed into the glass pan,and the mites were sought out under an optical microscope and made of specimens. The mites were identified on the basis of literature. Results In this survey,400 g samples were collected from 4 habitats. The average breeding density of mites was 3516/g. The mite was identified as Gohieria fuscus. Conclusions Gohieria fuscus is one of the widely distributed stored mites. It impacts the stored food and reduces the quality of food. In addition,the mite affects human health. Therefore,the preventive measures should be taken.

关 键 词: 棕脊足螨 地脚粉 平均孳生密度 防治




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